This Game Is Amazing (My Death Story)


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 I recently started getting back into TLD after the Redux update after nearly a year away playing other games. So admittedly, I'm a little rusty in terms of what the game is capable of. But for the most part, I'm fairly good at surviving the harsh wilds and making generally smart decisions. This is not that kind of story.


So, I'm headed up Timberwolf Mountain. Intentional spawn point, custom easy as hell settings, looking for a bit of a challenge and figured TM would be a good starting point for my endurance run. I'd been on the mountain before prior to this, as that was the intended endurance run but I got jipped by a glitched corpse inside the tail section that essentially got me stuck. So this current run was my 'get back to the summit and redeem yourself' moment. Which I did.

After much toil down and around the hunter's shack at the base of the mountain, and several close calls trying to find a replacement for the hacksaw I'd broken, I finally get back up to the summit. I've got a good load of supplies, plus a rather hefty 89% hacksaw, which I promptly put to work.

9 days later, and I'm back where I was before. I've got warm clothes (all fully repaired), my drink stock is flourishing, and I've gathered enough wood and timber to keep a fire burning constantly for several days (4 by my calculation). I was in the lap of luxury, except for my food stock. That had dwindled slowly over the days and I was currently left with 2 MRE's and a can of peaches.

Now, this wasn't a problem for me because I saw rabbits on the shelf just below the summit on my way up. Perfect, I thought. So I put my game plan in motion the next day. Game Plan? Unload everything but clothing, climb down the rope, kill as many rabbits as possible, climb back up the rope. Weather was clear, I was fully rested, and my hunger/thirst were well taken care of. I got this.

Those of you who have been with TLD since early access probably know exactly where I made my mistake. In fact, I should have known better. I'm one of you. But apparently a years absence can be a real humdinger. Let's continue, shall we?

Down the rope I went. Now, I'm not sure what exactly happened. My climbing stamina was half empty when the incident happened, and I was fully rested *shrugs*. I fell, right at the end of the rope. Sprained wrist. Sprained ankle. It was at this point that my prior experience with TLD kicked in and proceeded to laugh hysterically at me.

See, you can't climb with a sprained wrist. Not sure about the ankle, but the wrist prevented my from climbing. You also can't use tools (in my case rocks) with a sprained wrist. This should all be manageable right? Yeah, no, I left my medical supplies up on the summit, along with my fire gear, my remaining food, and worse off my absolute plethora of drinks. I was stuck. The only saving grace was there's a massive cave on the shelf below the summit. It's one of the ways to get up the mountain. So at least I wouldn't freeze to death. But I couldn't sleep. Lo and behold, the one thing I thought for sure I'd brought with me, is back up the summit cause I'm an idiot and didn't pick up my bedroll when I got up.

So with nothing else to do, I sat in that cave, and moped while passing time hoping for my injuries to heal. They never did. I died of thirst, in a cave, with nothing on me but a couple rocks, and my clothes xD


Why did I tell this story? To demonstrate why I love this game. That story could have gone any number of ways. If I'd remembered even a scrap of my equipment, I might have been fine. If I had my meds, no more injuries. If I had my bedroll, no more injuries. If I had my fire gear, I'd have had food and water. Hell if I had a light source I might have been able to venture into that massive cave and maybe find a saving grace. I might not have even fallen off the damn rope. I wasn't at the top, or the middle, I was right at the bottom. One more second and I'd have reached touchdown.

But it didn't go that way. Call it what you will, fate, good coding, developer's insight. Whatever the case may be, I made a massive stupid, and I paid dearly for it. Did I learn my lesson? More than likely xD But you can be damn sure the game'll let me know if I didn't.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Nobody responded to your posting, so I will. Yep, mistakes like that can happen cuz you want as little weight as possible on you when you plan on carrying alot of weight back. Even though I'd like to have even less weight on me, even if I'm not going super far, I always bring something for each situation I could find myself in. So always 1 bedroll, 1 knife, 1 hatchet, enough wood for at least 2 hours of fire (along with a few tinders which are very light), magnifying glass since it's very very lightly-weighted, 0.13 gallons of water per full fill-up of thirst, enough food to get me by like 6 - 12 hours. I take most medical stuff with me, like 1 antiseptic, 1 antibiotic, a bottle of painkillers, bandages, cuz all of those things are very light so you might as well take them. Just the medical stuff alone would've saved your booty and it would've only give you 1 or 2 pounds of extra weight, lol. All the stuff above gets me to like 40 - 45 pounds on me. You have up to 66 without speed being affected, and 77 if you have the Well-Fed buff. So you can have all the stuff listed above with you and you'll stukk have 25 - 30 pounds you can add onto you before speed is even beginning to be affected.

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My story starts like yours. I took a long break from the game until my brother and I were talking about it one day and got the fire burning again. I started a custom game with the intention of just making it to the summit as I’ve never been to TWM before. I started near the mountaineers hut and geared up and headed out. I survived 2 bear attacks on the way to the top but prevailed and reached the summit with absolutely no clothing left and struggling to stay alive. The loot was glorious and I ended up spending 15 days up on the summit. I spent 55 days in TWM and fully mapped the area. I bagged myself a moose and both the bears that had attacked me, before moving onto other areas. I went 115 days in this play through before realizing that custom games don’t count towards unlocking your badges so I started a stalker game which I am on my 215th day and totally hooked on this game. 

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