Can't Leave Forlorn Muskeg


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I've been running around FM for a while now and I can't leave to finish the story. The exit seems blocked. I'm guessing I missed some part of the quest completion (for instance the bear never dragged me to a cave) but after 3 game days wandering around, surviving wolf attacks until my clothes are almost gone, I still cannot find the bear or leave. I'm not too worried about dying since there are plenty of deer and wolves around but I would like to finish the story. If anyone can give me a hint, even if it may contain a spoiler, I would appreciate it. 

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There is a "small" bug. You can't leave FM as usual just by walking through the tunnel (invisible wall without triggering the map change to ML)

So i guess you just turned around.

-> When you stand at the invisible Wall (Tunnel to Mystery Lake) press the "use" button! Then the Bear-scene will be triggered.

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