SPOILER ! From a big fan !


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Hi there ! First of all, im french canadian so my enligsh isn't perfect.

But I played this game a lot ! Im a big fan. So here my advices for the challenge :)

I know some maps so well that I can draw it on a piece of paper.

When I spawned I noticed that im very close of the garage. Too good to be true. Too easy. Im pretty sure it's a trap so I moved 2 maps aways.

I can't translate the map in english but it's where there is a big base with a fence that we can close. I  think it's the best, remember near the garage in normal game there is wolff, moose or a bear ready to jump on us anytime. I think when the wolf will spawn on the 2 day, it will be hell there.

So my personal plan is to go everywhere i know to get cloths, weapons food. And when I say food I mean ANY kind of food.

My best advice would be, find cloths first, second food, then weapon and not only the gun, every thing you need to craft a bow and arrow, let it dry until tomorow you will need it. I used the bow a lot in the past and I think it's the best for 2 reasons. It's light AND you can re-use arrows. When I got a bear or a moose, I lure them near a bulding or a car so I shoot, then wait, sometime shoot again (depend of my level). But they will bleed to the death anyway.

I read every books that I found, search 3 maps and still got a lot of food but remember ANY cal is good cal. (If you gather every feenel you see it give you 2-4 days) Coffee give you cals ? Drink coffee and there is PLENTY in this challenge.

I love the game and I wish you good luck !

In fact I got so much that I think I will be good for the whole challenge, at worst I will have to kill a wolf or 2.

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I have stockpiles at 3 locs in ML and 2 in CH.  Managed to get to Milton and quickly loot it - got the invaluable parka and wool ear wrap from the Bank safe!  Ran back to CH because I forgot to get the rifle so was pushing right up until the last minute to get that.

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