v1.35 [38054] - Maps and deers


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Hi there,

to be honest, I've never been a "Faithful Cartographer" - I pretty much knew my way in the Regions during the times, I didn't feel I needed to draw maps. But now I decided to fully discover Forlorn Muskeg and I realized I needed this great feature there. So I settled down in a cave there, made long walks, drew maps - and encountered some strange phenomenon.

1. Making survey of area, but items are not shown on my map (a frozen corpse, then a deer carcass and some rosehip a bit further to the right at the rocks):

2. Discovering another part of the Region, I found a deer carcass. Drew the map, carcass is shown, everything's fine. Harvested the carcass, and forgot about it. The other day I traveled there, the carcass was gone, as usual, and accidentally made a survey (in fact I wanted to walk a hill further). The deer carcass didn't disappear from the map. Then, intentionally, I made this at other places as well, and it seems that once drawn, the map cannot be updated. Is this true?

3. Deers disappearing?
The other day I went on a hunt to the Old Spence area, I knew there were 4 deers around. I shot one, hit, got my "bonus" for rifle. But unfortunately the deer didn't die immediately, so the usual chase started - when a power shortage happened in the area where I live (speaking about real life; there was a stormy day that day). Game was over, the next day I could use my PC again. Started the game, thought "Oh my, I have to restart the hunt." But there were no deers around the Old Spence, everywhere I searched in the vicinity. Uhm? I standed there clueless.

Thank you for your attention.

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