Consistent Torch Ignition Menu

Ice Hole

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To light at torch on fire usually a match is used.  With the torch selected the match is consumed soon as the LMB is pressed.  

Once you have alternative ignition sources you are then given a menu to select from. 

So if carrying the fire striker and wooden matches you are now given a choice to select the ignition source and even cancel the action.

If a preferred ignition is preset in the backpack menu than this alternative menu when trying to ignite torches would not be necessary.  Using the preset ignition source torches are lit and the item consumed as soon as the LMB is pressed.

Or always pop up the ignition menu with cancel option to keep menu consistency.



Why is it that the Magnify Glass cannot ignite the torch?

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  • 9 months later...

There is a bug with lighting torches when cardboard and wooden matches are in the inventory.

The wooden match is used and no option is given to use the cardboard matches.

Started with twelve cardboard matches and twelve wooden matches a fire striker.




Select torch and then ignite.  The menu shows only the wooden matches and a fire striker.  The wooden match has a better ignition chance for fires and I would prefer that the cardboard was used instead.  Only way to use cardboard matches is drop every ignition except them.


Another reason to always have the ignition menu pop up when lighting torches regardless if only one ignition type is available.

screen_(3, 2, -1)_fda0749e-b09f-4f8c-b842-2974bbeca3bf.png

screen_(3, 2, -1)_9b7ee5cd-4585-4c17-9ff3-c841bce9a599.png

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