BEAR ATE MY SHOES! Wintermute Epi. 2


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Really Hinterland!? The BEAR ATE MY SHOES!! Come on! I have/had one more kill to do and now I have no shoes. What do I do now? I've used all the shoes in the area to keep my black combat boots up to par. WHICH I also want to add is supposed to be tough in case of animal fights from what I read in the description,  that was before I harvested all of my other shoes! All that progress AND without a map that doesn't want to update my quest so I am basically going in blind. Not to mention this was all on the easy mode too. Can you PLEASE make it so the shoes are "off limits"? PLEASE? It makes game play so frustrating not to mention ridiculous, I should at least be able to patch them, even from 0.

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I didn't know you could surpass the chapters. It seems like Jeremiah only wants me to do one task at a time. Also I am stuck at the Camp Office with only socks on my feet. It's a long track back to his house. I am sure to get frost bite before then. Guess that's where the fires come in handy. I would just like to know from anyone who has been playing the game longer than I how they would go about finishing this mission without anything but socks on their feet! Thanks for the feedback.

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3 hours ago, smm1541 said:

I didn't know you could surpass the chapters. It seems like Jeremiah only wants me to do one task at a time. Also I am stuck at the Camp Office with only socks on my feet. It's a long track back to his house. I am sure to get frost bite before then. Guess that's where the fires come in handy. I would just like to know from anyone who has been playing the game longer than I how they would go about finishing this mission without anything but socks on their feet! Thanks for the feedback.

Actually depending on the weather socks feet are totally fine to get around on.

Heck I crossed half of the frozen ice of Desolation Point back to another pair of shoes I'd left at the Lonely Lighthouse. Shoeless wandering is one of the least realistic things in The Long Dark but is entirely possible.

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Hi @smm1541 thanks for your suggestion for gear damage taken during struggles with wildlife. This isn't exactly a bug, since the possibility of clothing being ruined by bears or wolves is currently an intended part of the game, however we appreciate the feedback and have moved this thread over to the Wish List sub forum for tracking.

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Support- It's all good now. I got past that part by rechecking the Hydro Dam for shoes and my feet didn't even fall off from frost bite! I just wish that if you put in the description that the shoes will be tough through an animal fight then that would be the case and of course easy mode just doesn't seem like EASY mode when playing the story. Oh well on to waiting for the aurora lights to show up so I can finish my mission!! 9_9¬¬ (Hint,hint!) Thanks for the reply though. Great game!

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