Fox, Squirrels for new clothes and other purposes


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It would be nice to have in the game:


FOX - very common in every wildlife. And with Fox add the skill to make Hat from Fox Hide. We are able to make pants, jackets in the game, but there is no ability to create simple hat. A bit inconsistent.

SQUIRREL - to provide Hides for Fur Scarf and small portion of meat let’s say 100grams. 

BOAR - providing meat with 50% parasites probability in Survival mode and maybe hides for long lasting shelter/tent creation

and as very rare animal to find:

BIZON - with high volume of meat, hides for Bedroll and Coats creation.



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While I would like to see some additional crafting things (like a hat!) I can sort of understand why they don't include it... to raise the possibility of frostbite in the end game if you're out and about after all your hats are ruined. That said, the main reason I'd like to see more wildlife is to create more opportunities for them to interact with each other while being observed by me. Real pack hunting behaviour from wolves... seeing a wolf get trampled by a moose or a pack of wolves taking down a moose over the course of a day or three would be awesome. In the real world, usually wolf packs hunt by isolating a member of the herd and then running it to exhaustion so when they attack it their risk of injury is minimised. Seeing that modelled well in the game would be incredible. Maybe on day two of their hunt a bear wanders through and disrupts their technique allowing the prey to escape to live another day.

Being able to see those kinds of dynamics play out and how your presence can influence those dynamics would be awesome.

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Rabbit hats are pretty common up north. If it's supple enough for a mitt, it'll make a comfortable hat. An animal I'd *like* to see added would be the wolverine. They're miserable pricks that'll stalk a human being for days just because they're mean. Great, warm fur on them, though.

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