Could we get some Female deer and dueling Bucks?


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     Title pretty much says it all, I once thought I just had bad luck with seeing a lot of male deer but then realized when I saw about 4 bucks on the same pond that there are no female deer in the game!

     Im sure Hinterlands has enough going on to not be concerned with something that seems as silly as this, but to me it's kinda crazy to just see bucks everywhere and so close together. In real life you're not gonna see a lot of bucks kickin it together, it happens sometimes but is not very common. They get pretty aggressive with each other because of mating, territory and all that jazz. Usually you see one buck with a bunch of does' at his heels.

    If hinterlands doesn't want to go through the trouble of making a smaller framed model of a deer to match a doe's stature (which is understandable at this point in development) the least they could do is just strip the antlers off of about 50%-60% of the deer in game to give a more accurate representation of what youd encounter in real life!

    When writing this I also realized adding in bucks fighting over territory or over female mates would be a nice addition as well, you could hear them banging antlers from decently far away. This would add realism and give some character to the wildlife. It'd also just be nice to have some more in depth wildlife behavior to observe.

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