Alpha/first few days Stories?


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Many people here are alpha player (like myself) and have interesting stories. How did you come across it?  What was a big learning curve you had to face?  Your first death? Share them here.

(Almost 2 years ago) My first day of TLD, the "Game Preview" section of the Xbox store caught my attention, and I looked through it. There were only like 2-3 there, and "The Long Dark" had a free 30 min (I think) trial. I love free stuff, so I downloaded it. Minutes later, I loaded it up. Since sandbox was the only playable option, I started one. I started in the clear cut, so I walked down through the cut, and I saw a path leading up a hill. I started going up it, the sky gets gray (I though night was coming, but it wasn't). So I start a fire (because that feature caught my eye), so there's a tiny fire going at the middle of the hill (derp). I sleep, and it's day still. Nothing exciting happens next, but I find a map of Mystery Lake online, and I go towards "Camp Office". I see it in game, and guess what? Trial ends. Mk, great.

At some point I came across Splattercat Gaming's second play through of The Long Dark. I watched it, and I started to understand how to play it. I immediately bought it, and used my knowledge and I was hooked. I've been playing this great game ever since, watching it grow and develop. Anyone who's bought the game when it switched to $35, go back and watch some old videos, it was quite different. Anyone who's had the game since alpha, we've had some great moments.

Stay frosty :fire:

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My trial lasted and hour and then they boosted it to 2 hours. :/

I still remember my first game. I spawned at the logging camp and I managed to make it to the Camp Office and then around to Trapper's Cabin etc... it was a great run and then it was deleted. So I can safely say that I never died in my the first ever TLD game :D

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