Aurora Ideas


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The Aurora can happen at any time of day and last from just a few hours to days if you're really unlucky but it is also a bit rarer then it is now.

The power of the Aurora should also be more visible: Example as the Aurora get stronger and hits it peak it should very noticeably increase power to lights and radios.

If the Aurora can happen at any time of the day then we need a way to get some warning; my idea is to add a rechargeable handheld radio that when turned on will start to emit Aurora sounds about an hour to two hours before it happens but it can only be recharged during an Aurora

With the flashlight I think instead of batteries being charged the flashlight should be directly affected by Aurora ( as the Aurora get stronger so does the flashlight)

My final Idea is a fluorescent tube that can be detached from places like Carter and will light up weakly during an Aurora but can be easily broken by actions like falling or being attacked by a wolf.

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I don't think it should be able to happen at any time. While that makes sense, it would be unbalanced gameplay-wise. 

I think the gradual activating of electronics should be visible rather than them just popping online. Feels jagged the way it is now. 

And I think more things such as cars should turn on too.

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Well... now that you mention it, the car batteries should definitely allow us to start fires and there are numerous tutorials on the web on how to start a fire with a lamp / flashlight. So maybe we should be allowed to do that, too. Either take a battery from a car and haul it to our base to have an unlimited firestarted during aurora nights or destroy the flashlight to turn it into an unlimited firestarter during aurora nights... that would be cool. Like the magnifying glass works during sunshine, the flashlight/battery work during aurora.

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