Hiker's/Walking Stick


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Why not? A "stick" that allows one added leverage when going up steep terrain as well as shoulder's some of the strain of going through the snow. In areas of deeper snow that others have mentioned having added, it could be used to gauge the depth. Also, a notch could be made into the top of it wherein items could hang from this stick, taking some weight off the backpack and allow one to carry more. I would like to suggest a hiker's/walking stick to the possibilities. 

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30 minutes ago, godhelpme89 said:

I mentioned this also in another thread. Possibly gives bonuses to warding off strains.

I apologize. I am somewhat new to the Forums and am not trying to step on any toes. Warding off strains is something I did not think of, but, yes, it would serve to do that too. I don't know why more don't consider it. It would serve a multitude of purposes and would be in keeping with the game.

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It shouldnt matter. When people constantly suggest the same thing, it just shows in a scope something that the community wants.

I dont mind it but I wouldnt consider this to be something neccesary. As long as it doesnt "increase walking speed" like I often see, because that is not how sticks work... but if it would lower the amount of sprains one receives, it would be pretty cool addition. 

Considering it would be most likely made out of a sapling, I wouldnt waste a sapling on this. However, I can see it as being a potentional weapon to fend a wolf away as well, and probably pretty effective one (it would help to discourage wolf fast, but would not cause any bleeding to the wolf so the wolf would probably attack soon after again)

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