Avoiding Wolves (Short Guide)


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If you're struggling to get past wolves or how to scare them off, this short guide is for you. Soon you'll be ignoring their presence 80-90% of the time:

  • Scout the area on good days. Height is a great advantage early on, so stick to high ground, observe and learn their pattern. 
  • Avoid wolf infested areas if you can. If you can't, CROUCH and give the wolves as wide a berth as you can. This is VERY effective. Always. 
  • If you're spotted (you'll hear a growl), stay put, look around, locate where the wolf is coming from. DON'T RUN or else it'll charge. 
  • WALK AWAY. Seriously. Simply keep on walking (away from the wolf). Check your six now and then. It will lose interest at some point.
  • Breaking line-of-sight is important. If you're carrying raw meat and/or guts, you might have to drop some of that meat as a distraction. 
  • If you're carrying too much stuff, are surrounded or can't evade / walk away for some reason: IMMEDIATELY start a campfire. 
  • Campfires ALWAYS work as of now. Torches and flares on the other hand... they kinda suck. The mechanics need some fine tuning. 
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Good idea! I left a few posts about how the wolves are not that bothersome if you watch their patterns or walk them with a flare or just walk away or crouch away, but I deleted them thinking I was coming across as arrogant or something. This is a much better approach to wolf issues.

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Also, until Hinterland fixes torches and flares: dump the flares. It's dead weight. Don't make torches from cloth (it's a waste of resources). Instead, take makeshift torches from lit campfires. Torches are not a good option for scaring off wolves, but they do provide warmth and might save you from wasting another match if you suddenly find yourself in a position where you need a second campfire.

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4 minutes ago, Volatile said:

Also, until Hinterland fixes torches and flares: dump the flares. It's dead weight. Don't make torches from cloth (it's a waste of resources). Instead, take makeshift torches from lit campfires. Torches are not a good option for scaring off wolves, but they do provide warmth and might save you from wasting another match if you suddenly find yourself in a position where you need a second campfire.

Why dump my flares, they are working for me? I have a couple torches made already and a couple good ones from a fire but I'm not worried about matches since I have tons of them.

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5 hours ago, Volatile said:

I had a bad experience with flares. A flare will illuminate just fine (as intended), but so far none of my 8+ spent flares had a wolf run scared, thrown or otherwise. 

Before or after Hinterland patched the bug that stopped flares, torches and rocks from scaring wolves correctly? (turns out it's been broken ever since Faithful Cartographer was released!)

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