Ep-2 Bear Hunt help


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Hey gang,

im on my third play through of ep 2, first play through since the Xbox one patch. Have made further progress than previous two runs, most problems seem to be fixed (Thanks, Hinterland, for the hard work!). I have followed the bear to the fourth haunt, shot him 3 times so far. Encountered him the fourth time and had to flare gun him away as I was wounded and couldn't take the risk of mauling. 

Lost his trail.

mission progress shows 3/6 encounters even though I encountered him at the fourth site but didn't shoot him with the rifle. Sought shelter and healed up. It's been five days in game since this encounter. I've been making the rounds through all of his mapped sites daily with no signs of him.

is this to be expected or am I screwed? I've seen posts saying that the hunt can take several days but I'm starting to get worried. I have completed all other available missions on the ML map to this point. Haven't gone back to FM or maintenance shed to get the supply caches there. 

Can anyone advise?

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We'll, figured it out. He was stuck on a rock outcropping. Another glitch. Couldn't interact with him at all. I climbed up there and walked right through him. Just stuck running in place. I've been running in circles for the past six hours for nothing. I'm going to have to put this game down for a few weeks until this stuff gets ironed out. I just can't bring myself to restart episode two for a fourth time because of bear glitches.


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Same quest bugged out for me too. After 4th encounter went to office to heal and fix clothes and now the bear has disappeared leaving behind permanent blueish fog

One nice thing tho, all those metal boxes along the bears route restock after you empty them and go inside

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I managed to get through this part by cheesing (recommended as of now until the quest is fixed): make your way to the "possible Old Bear's location" on the map, the game should automatically save progress when you're near it. Crouch, find a vantage point, try to locate the Old Grissly and shoot it from a safe distance (to avoid unnecessary tackle). When you shoot, keep your eyes peeled for a blood splatter. When you see it, confirm the hit by opening your journal and check out the progress indicator (it should read 1/6 for your first hit). Confirm the bear took flight, too. If he's not around anymore, move on to the next designated area. This is a HEAVILY SCRIPTED (albeit poorly) QUEST, and you have to do it 'to the letter' to avoid bugs. If you shoot and the counter doesn't acknowledge it, quit and reload your save. Keep at it until it registers. 

After shooting it six times, the bear dies (finally) and you get to keep all the meat plus the Old Bear's ear. Return it to Jeremiah. 

GAME BREAKING BUG (on Xbox One) past this point: auroras are disabled for the duration of the Bear Hunt quest (Jeremiah's Folly), and it won't come back after you're finished with the bear hunt. This is said to be fixed by Patch 4 which unfortunately is not yet available on Xbox One. Pending approval. 

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