Rabbit Snares


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I've played a fair amount of the sandbox survival so I'm frustrated at my inability to snare any rabbits in Milton.  I find places where I've seen rabbits, place 3-5 snares and wait days...for nothing.  

Please, please, help me find a location to snare some rabbits!!  I can't understand why they aren't working.  

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So, I've tried 12 different locations with lots of pass through rabbit movement and I've yet to snare a single rabbit.  I did take a break from this game for a while, so now I'm wondering if the ideal placement has changed.  Or, is it possible that snares are not working as intended in story mode?  I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, but you never know.

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I can confirm that you in fact, CAN snare rabbits. Just like sandbox, look for where the rabbits run around most and place your snares there. My ideal spot (albeit a little bit of a trek...) was behind the Grey Mother's house, up the hill. There's a radio tower there, overlooking a small pond with a broken tree. Rabbits run around there quite a bit, so I placed 5 snares there. I'd catch at least one daily there. A side note, there's a fair amount of cat tails there too. Happy surviving!

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