Feedback on wintermute


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So as the title suggest I want to address a few things about wintermute that I like and a bit of cons/bugs I have found.

So first of all I would like to say that I am very impressed of story mode. You can see that a lot of hard work has been done. I like the story, the amount of things and places you can explore, the trust system and much more. The thing that I also like is that the story isn't linear. When I play story mode I feel like I'm playing sandbox but whit a story to it. 

The only problem that I've encountered so far is that the game crashes. It has crashed two times after trying to leave houses. I have never had crashes in TLD but I believe that this will be fixed in a future bugfix update. I don't believe that this is a bug but when talking to npcs they don't say anything and you just have to read the subtitles. I know that it would take a long time to record all those dialogues but it would make the game a little bit more enjoyable and not so quiet. Like in the witcher 3.

I would also want to see other people's feedback on wintermute. Post it here on this thread:)

As said I love story mode and I want to thank the developers for the work that they have done. 



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I am totally agree for the dialogues. It's the only point that, it's true, disappointed me. But it is a very good game (that I follow and share my thoughts, suggestions and report bugs since 2 years). I'd prefer that Hinterland, if they could, make all dialogues like cinematics with voices, than to have more contents for the moment.

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What is the reason for you ? They did'nt have the money ? The time to make it ?

I could pay a 1 euro DLC for these cinematics if they would. But this should be already included, I think. Look at immersive social games, like the Withcher 3, Heavy Rain and The Last of Us. These three games have complex dialogues with cinematics, I thought few days ago the Story mod could be like that. 

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