Anyone else having some trouble with these non-working survival problems?


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Non-potable snowfall in a relatively untouched-by-Man part of the world after melting it over a fire.  Shouldn't be a potable problem in parts of the wild after melting it, y'know?

10 minutes to break a Branch down into Sticks.  What kind of steel is this Branch made out of that it doesn't snap in 30 seconds or less?

My survivor failed to apply Antiseptic to a burn 5 times until ran out.  I guess his aim isn't very good to miss pouring antiseptic into a wound 5 times in a row.

Couldn't pick up a small cardboard box or 1-foot long branches like he could sticks or MREs of comparable size and weight and take it into the shelter, near the fire, instead of doing so outside in exposure.  Not sure if I'm missing a pick-up system here.

He holds the torch so high, the wind gets it every time.  Can we change that?  You'd think he'd learn the third time the torch is blown out to not hold it almost over his head every time. 

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G'day @theWhyvern, and welcome to the forums!

1 hour ago, theWhyvern said:

Non-potable snowfall in a relatively untouched-by-Man part of the world after melting it over a fire.  Shouldn't be a potable problem in parts of the wild after melting it, y'know?

Many of us have pointed this out over and over for years.. don't expect to see it changing any time soon. Just relax and deal with it..


1 hour ago, theWhyvern said:

10 minutes to break a Branch down into Sticks.  What kind of steel is this Branch made out of that it doesn't snap in 30 seconds or less?

There was a time you got just 2 sticks for the same effort. Be thankful for small mercies, and see my comment above.


1 hour ago, theWhyvern said:

My survivor failed to apply Antiseptic to a burn 5 times until ran out.  I guess his aim isn't very good to miss pouring antiseptic into a wound 5 times in a row.

Only the first application counts. If you add more, it does nothing. It helps to apply the bandage first, antiseptic second. Dumb, I know. See above.


1 hour ago, theWhyvern said:

Couldn't pick up a small cardboard box or 1-foot long branches like he could sticks or MREs of comparable size and weight and take it into the shelter, near the fire, instead of doing so outside in exposure.  Not sure if I'm missing a pick-up system here.

You're not missing a thing. The characters are somewhat intellectually and physically challenged, to put it kindly. Some things (harvesting meat and rabbits) have recently been improved in this regard. They can now actually be done indoors. But generally speaking, refer to my first comment.


1 hour ago, theWhyvern said:

He holds the torch so high, the wind gets it every time.  Can we change that?  You'd think he'd learn the third time the torch is blown out to not hold it almost over his head every time. 

We can't change it. And even if it was changed, I doubt it would make any difference to when the wind blows it out. (you already know what I'm going to say here)


In short, some things don't make much sense. Don't get your brain knotted up about it, and just roll with the quirks. Despite all the niggles, it's a VERY absorbing game. Give it some time.

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