display issues


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Had numerous display issues that came up a few months back, due to direct-x issues with my video card. I used the workaround to launch in direct-x 9 i think and now I may be locked out on it. Any attempt to change the resolution gives me an error and crashes the game. I'll reload the game but just curious if wintermute now supports the older direct-x? I get it if it doesn't, I've owned the game for years so I'm not overly surprised it no longer runs on older rigs, but just curious if there's a workaround. I'd rather not re-install if I can no longer launch it from an older direct-x as it does play now, just in a windowed mode on 640x480 i think. Any advice would be helpful

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so was able to force launch in direct-x 9 based on Bill's walkthrough from a while back. I could run it, changed the settings down to low and adjusted to 1600x900 and it was good to go. Ran fine, played fine. I closed it though, and now it will not run, I get an error that it was unable to run because:

couldn't switch to monitor resolution 1600x900


then it closes

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6 hours ago, justsomeguy said:

so was able to force launch in direct-x 9 based on Bill's walkthrough from a while back. I could run it, changed the settings down to low and adjusted to 1600x900 and it was good to go. Ran fine, played fine. I closed it though, and now it will not run, I get an error that it was unable to run because:

couldn't switch to monitor resolution 1600x900


then it closes

I had my game set to force launching in DX9, due to graphics issues. After the update, I couldn't start the game until I removed the "-force-d3d9" command from the launcher. Now the game runs, but the glitched footprints and snow shelters are back. I'm going to see if I can combine the borderless trick in combination with forcing DX9, to see if that works.

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Nope.. I can launch the game using any of the various batch files, such as "tld_borderless_dx9.bat" (all enable the game to run, btw) but whatever I do the DX9 directive is ignored, and the footprints & snow shelters look like crap.

From a series of tests I ran, it appears that all DX9 support has been removed from the game. WHY, Hinterland @Support? Why break something that enabled more people to enjoy the game, and wasn't causing any harm by leaving it in?

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Guest Support

First the issue with DX9 is some thing we're looking into. However to be very transparent, unfortunately DX9 support isn't harmless and has some challenges to continue supporting. This is just the reality with legacy tech. Keep in mind DX9 is 15 years old and doesn't contain support for a lot of the more modern rendering methods. However we are looking into what we can do to resolve the crash.

The alternative is to try using OpenGL. It might not perform as well, but it's an alternative to DX11 if you're having issues with that mode. That's the best suggestion I can make at the moment. 

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Thanks.. I appreciate the reply, and that you're seeing what can be done..

Just now, Support said:

The alternative is to try using OpenGL. It might not perform as well, but it's an alternative to DX11 if you're having issues with that mode. That's the best suggestion I can make at the moment.

Unfortunately, performance on this 5yo laptop is already a challenge. Getting 12-15 FPS out of it is the best I can do.. don't think I can afford the hit that OpenGL would impose.

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thanks for the replies, as i said in my post from a few months back I have 400+ hours logged on this game and was vocal at the very beginning, so this game owes me nothing. I would love to play story mode, after years of following with the builds, but it is what it is. It's the downside of hopping into a game at the very start, by the time it's done, there's no guarantee that you rig will be able to play it.


I'll keep an eye on the boards and attempt whatever comes around, but thanks for the reply @JAFO and @Support

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