Selfless: Origins


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In the Summer of 2015 I suffered a leg injury that would leave me immobile for a month.  I took to playing games again as a distraction.  The Long Dark had an interesting trailer and a pending release date of December and I gave it a try.  As I explored the title I noted its strange mechanics and took to the discussion boards to find out how players were coping.  Most of them seemed perplexed.  So launched my campaign to discover and distribute knowledge of what TLD really was so players would not feel stupid.

Unfortunately, as I dug I found many instances to test the assumption that this project was being professionally built.  When @Raphael van Lierop announced that the game would not be released on time I was little surprised.  I became alarmed however when he used the delay to justify an expansion of game features.  The project seemed barely capable of undertaking what it had announced yet he wanted to push further?  And complete all these improvements in under 6 months?  Impossible...

So I watched the following months of doubt and frustration unfold and when he offered that March to refund those who doubted his team's ability to succeed on the newly chosen path, I raised my hand.  That was me exactly.  He was cordial and made attempts, but wresting funds back out of Steam's coffers is not easy.  He specifically asked that instead I hold on to the game until it released, as that would certainly prove what if anything was overly ambitious. So I've stayed, helping players and judging development, for a year and a half now, waiting to be proven wrong.  Have I become Hinterland's nemesis?  Perhaps...

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8 hours ago, selfless said:

Have I become Hinterland's nemesis?  Perhaps...

After some rather scathing comments during the last test-build, I'm reasonably sure I'm on Patrick's "keep an eye on this one" list.. Here's to us black sheep! :D

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