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I've sunk several hours into the new update and overall I really like it. I can tell a lot of thought went into the new UI. There are only a few items that I think have a bit of room for improvement:


  • The Map: I love the map. I like the idea of sketching out your location and I think the charcoal requirement and view distance keeps it reasonable. The unbalanced part is the GOD MODE marking of available resources. I think it is too powerful and I would suggest removing that feature altogether. Locations and landmarks, absolutely. Even the rabbit spawn zones is fine. But right now I can go to an area, scan it, and then walk right to the OMB, carcasses, wood, etc. and I think that goes beyond the limit of what my character could find at a glance.
  • First Aid: I like selecting an item from the radial and applying it to a condition, if I know what I need to do. Please just bring back the ability to select and apply a remedy from the condition section of the main menu. Also, there is no reason for the Old Man's Beard wound dressing to not work as a bandage as well as an antiseptic. (pre-update behavior) If the crafting process reduces it to a small pad instead of a full bandage then I would suggest updating the in-game artwork so it doesn't look like a bandage.
  • Wind and Scent icons: Please just move these down to the bottom left, one next to the other, right above where the health meter would appear. They are too big and distracting at the top middle.


So far everything else seems great or good enough :-)


Thanks for all the hard work.

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17 hours ago, slothboy said:

The unbalanced part is the GOD MODE marking of available resources. I think it is too powerful and I would suggest removing that feature altogether.

Well, it only marks the things that are in your line of sight.. I don't see that as too unbalanced.

17 hours ago, slothboy said:

Please just bring back the ability to select and apply a remedy from the condition section of the main menu.

Amen to this.

17 hours ago, slothboy said:

Wind and Scent icons: Please just move these down to the bottom left, one next to the other, right above where the health meter would appear. They are too big and distracting at the top middle.

And to this.

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