Resetting animal damage


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I vaguely remember this being brought up a while back, but it doesn't look like anything has been done about it.  I'm referring to the annoying reality that if you wound an animal and then go inside, the animal makes a magical and full recovery.  In the past it was a bit frustrating, but on my current play-through of interloper, it is making it almost impossible to make a wolf coat.  I'm on day 51, and so any activity done outside for extended periods requires a fire.  Hunting wolves with a bow and arrow is hard enough, without then having to wait out in the cold for hours, hoping a wounded one will die.  Earlier today I set up a fire near a group of wolves, and one by one, shot each of them.  One was killed outright, while the other three limped around.  I sat in front of the fire I had set up for hours, stretching well in to the night, but the wolves didn't die.  Finally a blizzard whipped up, blew out my fire, and forced me indoors.  In the morning I came back out to find the three wolves I had injured, healthy and wound free, and my arrows nowhere to be found.  I just about put my head through a wall - I'm running low on arrows, my bow is almost completely degraded, and now if I want to keep trying for that coat, I have to use what little resources I have, and pray the weather doesn't force me back inside, and cause another reset.  >:(

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Seamless world streaming is on the roadmap (albeit in the way way off may not ever happen category) but I would imagine steps would be taken at some point to preserve the simulation around the interior you are in. 

Animal wounding and hunting mechanics still feel too restrictive and unintuitive right now. The mechanics are esoteric and it puts me off hunting. 

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3 hours ago, LucidFugue said:

Animal wounding and hunting mechanics still feel too restrictive and unintuitive right now. The mechanics are esoteric and it puts me off hunting.

Yeah? I love hunting those cute black critters. The first thing I do every morning is go out and check to see whether any wolves have respawned yet.

@Sapped - if I wound a wolf or deer, I immediately return indoors (when possible) and wait there for a couple of hours. If the animal is going to bleed out, it will have run around and then 90% of the time it will have returned to die in much the same area as it was shot. Bears may sometimes return to the area around their cave.

However, I must be able to see blood on the snow and the animal must not stop running for a long time. If a wolf resumes patrolling an area (walking) then straight away I know that it needs another arrow.

Once I put eight arrows into a bear before it had the decency to bleed out so I can understand the frustration.

With wolves, you can always let them charge you and put an arrow into their head at the last second but you might want to practice on a mode other than Interloper.

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I never experienced this - only when i shoot a bear. For me it sounds great and i would like to have it like this :P

What you can do to make sure they die is passing time! Shoot a wolf, go inside a car a wait for 1h and you will hear the wolf dying - same with bears. It works the same using a bedroll or just pass time. You said you have a campfire. So passing time for 1h shouldn't be an issue. I am not sure if sleeping outside works too, playing cards does.

Just don't go indoors!

I normally just walk next to the wolf i shot till he dies (he is slowed down).

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10 minutes ago, MueckE said:

I never experienced this - only when i shoot a bear. For me it sounds great and i would like to have it like this

Yep, happens with wolves too. Maybe try to be a little more inaccurate!

10 minutes ago, MueckE said:

Just don't go indoors!

Wow, I always go indoors (and pass time).

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I don't mind shooting and tracking itself, but the weird way you can keep hitting something and it doesn't bleed out. I feel like if I don't kill it immediately, I might as well rest/do something else with the bleed time, then come back. 

Actually following the blood trail puts you at risk:

- You might get caught in a blizzard or take freezing damage while you're tracking the animal.

- You might startle it, which seems to affect the bleed out process (not sure if that was a bug that got fixed or its still a no-no)

 -  It might charge you.

If you shoot it again, it resets the timer without affecting the likelihood it'll go down. So why get led well out of my way for several hours?  To see exactly when and where the carcass drops and harvest it immediately? It just doesn't feel like the reward is worth it. 

I can head off on the direction it ran, search the area and start a fire if it's completely frozen. If I can't find it, I probably didn't kill it. 

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In the most recent case to which I was referring, I had set up a fire in a sheltered spot so I could stay out as long as possible.  Moving around outside for long periods isn't an option for me at day 50 of interloper.  Ever with rabbit mittens, deer boots and deer pants, the "feels like" temperature at the warmest part of the day is around -15C.  I hunkered down for at least 6 hours, boiled water, sharpened my axe, and watched the three injured wolves limp around on the ice.  I would have stayed longer, but the wind changed direction and a blizzard came in.  I'm certain I hit all three - I saw the blood on the snow where contact was made, and they were limping as they walked.


On a related note, I found a useful way to pop off wolves near cars.  It turns out they can't get to you when standing on a car (at least not on the one in front of Quonset Garage).  They will charge, and then roam around the vehicle for a few seconds - perfect for hitting at close range.

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