beachcombing gameplay more than a cold shower?


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I've just noticed, beachcombing gameplay is not so enticing. Sure sometimes you get lucky and rare items spawn but only 2 items on day 15 on a whole beach? seems not so good to trouble yourself with. This has to change mainly for 2 reasons:

First the player should be inspired to hunt for items but watch out for the "cold shower" but only for 2-3 items is a waste of time so nobody will even try it. Maybe on day 50 will be a different story this I still need to check out.


Another and more important reason is when seasons will be introduced, if items spawn at this slow rate even if there are like 20-30 items on the beach players will turn their attention to other things like doing stuff they can't do in the winter season. so the items will just pile up and then at some point they will be too many which will make beach-combing a repetitive and boring action to do plus in the hot season I think the survivor will welcome the cold swim instead of risking hypothermia, so the whole mechanic will somehow become pointless.  Unless they make the items disappear in  the hot season. Then it will become interesting again rush to collect the goods or say bye bye, yea this will make sense I hope that they will consider doing at least that.

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I totally agree with you on this. Did it once, didn't find much useful stuff (at least not more useful than i can find on land) but got a cold shower, will probably never do it again :) ... which is sad, because i really like the atmosphere of the open water and the idea of adding beachcombing to the game was really good.

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