Smoldering Tinder Bundle/Slow Match

Joelle Emmily

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The ability to start fires quickly is essential for winter survival. In-game, we already have tinder bundles, and a lack of need for them when we reach a higher level of fire starting, but, they're perfect for carrying around a ready made fire, practically in your pocket. A tinder bundle of pussy willow heads, shredded paper, or other material, tightly bound with leather or cured hide, could smolder for hours, or even days, and one only need to unwrap it; then gently blow on it to restart an actual fire.


Hmmm... I like the idea, but what actual benefit would it have compared to a match or a fire starter? Make it a better fire starter? I don't know... Maybe make it a late game survival technique after almost all our matches have run out and we need to keep the "last flame" alive as long as we can? Now that's actually interesting. :D


One of the highest priorities in a winter survivalist mode, is fire. Ideally, you never want your fire to ever go out. A slow match allows you to carry the fire with you, and start a new one almost instantly. Matches can become wet, lighters fail, and sometimes you simply can't get a fire going, or, as you mentioned, you run out of starting equipment. Also ideally, you'd want to save things like matches as much as possible. A slow match is already on fire, and unless you screw it up, it'll start a fire almost every time.

As a side note, "Everlasting flame" or "last flame" would be cool achievements.


We already had this topic way back. Around 6-12 months back, but i am not able to quote it here, because of the forum updates.

Conclusion was, that it would not fit into the existing fire balance.

But soon after, a patch was released making the matches non-degrading, so i think it was listened to by the devs.

You still have the magnifying glass for unlimited fire though.


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