
Calico Jack

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Yes-yes-YESSSSSSSSS ! Candles. All serious farms or shelters must have candles in the drawers and shelves, right next matches. Ok, we have storm lanterns (burning for an hour), but candles can burn for a very longest time. Usefull, lightweight, can be easyly stored... with the candles Prosper, you live longer ! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,

I love the idea of having candles for the purpose of lighting up your shelter in the night, so you can work or just for creating a cozy atmosphere, while not wasting your more valuable lamp oil.

For me the most important part of the game is immersion and I think the game does a really good job in making you feel cold when you are outside in bad weather. It would be really cool if could light 1 or 2 candles once you are home so it creates this cozy atmosphere.

But I think creating candles from beeswax or animal fat is much too complicated when you are in a survival situation. And there is a much more convenient solution for this fuel problem: tree resin. You can get it from all needle trees, if the trees get injured it saps out. Almost all trees have some injuries here and there so you just have to walk through the woods with your eyes open and collect it. If the resin is old it almost looks like bark, so you need to know what you are looking for. But in any case, it is highly flammable. So just collect it, put it in some kind of container so it stays in place when it melts and light it up. There you have your "candle". =)

Here are some pictures of an outdoor version and a red bull version of a pine resin lamp I made:




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