I Need More to Explore!


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Years and years before I ever heard of The Long Dark, I dreamed about someone making a game that would give you miles and miles and miles of places to Explore!!

I've always gravitated to games like this such as the "Myst" series, "Civilization", and even open terrain First Person Shooters like Novalogic's Joint Ops Series.

I've always hated games that force you to go down the path that they want you to take, and have loved the games that let you go where ever you want!

The Long Dark is that game I dreamed of all those years ago! But now I've seen it all and am longing for more places to explore!!

I've stated several times in these forums that I personally, would be happy if Hinterlands did nothing more, than just keep adding map, after map, after map to the point

where we had dozens of connected maps to explore in one game. In fact, I would happily pay the price of this game again (and I'm sure many others would as well)  if Hinterlands

assigned someone to do nothing more than make more maps and keep adding them to the game!! I'm not a game designer in any way, but I would think that because Hinterlands

now has the experience of making the 5 maps that are part of the game now, each new map should be easier and quicker to produce than the last one.

I don't know if something like this is even in Hinterlands plan for this game. I know there will be a new map or two associated with the story mode, but what about farther out into the future?

I see so much potential in this game. I'd be interested in hearing Hinterlands grand plan for the next 5 years to see if that's even a possibility.


Also, I'd be interested in hearing the opinion of those of you in the community!

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I think everybody here would like to see more areas and more to explore! I haven't been playing that much recently because I know the area's like my back pocket. I'm waiting for an update to see what's new and what they've changed. Of course it's always more fun when maps are completely unexplored! But having said that, I believe Hinterland already has a few people constantly working on maps & environment. I also don't know much about game developing but I do know it's a bit more difficult as you stated here:

3 hours ago, cowboymrh said:

 I'm not a game designer in any way, but I would think that because Hinterlands now has the experience of making the 5 maps that are part of the game now, each new map should be easier and quicker to produce than the last one.

Sure each map will be easier to make for them but I can imagine the mechanics behind it will still be a huge amount of work.

But I share your wish, that after the release of story mode and seasons(!), if they would just keep adding new areas with miles and miles to explore and survive possibly for years, that would be great!

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