Rambles on Carcass Harvesting


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Carcass harvesting and the related crafting branches could have some potentially amazing gameplay to offer us soon. I can't wait to see what will happen. Like a lot of us, I'm especially passionate about hopefully being able to transport our kills, take them back to base for safe, sheltered break down to get the best use of them.

What I really want is more micromanagement. But that's just me, personally.. I think making it more complex could fill up a chunk of the downtime. Yes, in a pinch, you can use your hatchet to lop off a leg and feed yourself in a quick hurry if you're starving. But the best and most efficient skinning, with the least damage to the harvest-able meat, skin, and byproducts is what you should strive for. Say, in the same way there is a sway penalty when you try to shoot the rifle when you are exhausted. Or, that you lose a percentage of the contents when you smash open a can. Logical, reasonable penalties. So if any of your stats are in the red, but most obviously exhaustion, you have a chance to damage the quality of your goods so to speak. But carcass harvesting is a learn-able skill! So the layperson would not be able to properly field dress these animals with such perfection. They can tear up the hide trying to slice it off properly, or rip up the meat trying to gouge it out if the carcass is frozen. I want to see different skins for meat chunks. Several of them please, of varying weights and appearances. I would be interested to know if any hunters have ever butchered a deer and yielded several perfect, 1kg slabs. xD

I have commented in this thread as well, and as I said there I would like there to be more steps to getting our cured rawhides. If there's any area of realism I would like approached a bit more, it's probably the fact that you don't just acquire perfectly cut, pre-scraped, already dressed and prepared hides right off the animal.

Discuss :deerhide::knife:


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In the camp office I put all the hides and guts up on the counter type thing in the downstairs area, plenty of room : P Use right click.
I would like to see different parts of the animal be coming off rather than just a solid slab of meat. Legs, breast, maybe actual guts on a further update after that? And having the ability simply to drag a deer back to your base is an absolute must. picking up rabbits too, It irks me that you're skinning and gutting a single rabbit out in the icy cold wilderness, when you could easily just pick it up and bring it home to cut up. 

Skill based harvesting would be a nice feature too, I've really got too much meat and hides at this point and I'm only 40 days in. It'd just make getting hide and meat a bit less easy and efficient at first, but eventually your character would become very proficient at it. 

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Just now, Shyassasain said:

...picking up rabbits too, It irks me that you're skinning and gutting a single rabbit out in the icy cold wilderness, when you could easily just pick it up and bring it home to cut up.

Come to think of it your right, not being able to pick up rabbits is weird.

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