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Greetings Folks,

I am nearly half-century old at this juncture and have enjoyed video games for sometime though am still old enough where I remember a time without video games and what a balanced life means including real vs virtual worlds.  I enjoy a range of games though tend to prefer single-person over MMOs and enjoy RPG and character development though have logged some hours in newest release of the Total War series -- Total War: WarHammer (Single Player).  Of late, I have enjoyed some of the better indie and survival games. What attracted me to "The Long Dark" is the effort to make the game man against nature (rather than the supernatural or aliens which are fine too... though their is a lot of those games) with the exception of the animal behavior patterns in the game (though if you want more normal animal behavior you can always play pilgrim level).  While I have not played the stalker variation, I am dare glad that pack behavior and hunting is NOT a part of the wolves behavior in game or, lets face it, we would all be in trouble - especially, pack hunting strategies.


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