Can't open medical tab for positive effects


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there seems to be a little "edge case" that was missed in design. I guess it started out having only negative effects and the relevant cure in that medical UI, where it made sense to not allow the player to enter that UI if he has no injury.

However, now that the game also offers positive effects (coffee, herbal tea) those effects cannot be reviews in the medical tab if you are not injured. Makes no sense.

So I would propose that it is allowed to enter the medical tab even if there is no injury. To be able to see what positive effects are currently active.




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1 hour ago, Dreepa said:


there seems to be a little "edge case" that was missed in design. I guess it started out having only negative effects and the relevant cure in that medical UI, where it made sense to not allow the player to enter that UI if he has no injury.

However, now that the game also offers positive effects (coffee, herbal tea) those effects cannot be reviews in the medical tab if you are not injured. Makes no sense.

So I would propose that it is allowed to enter the medical tab even if there is no injury. To be able to see what positive effects are currently active.




Your positive status effects will be visible by hitting Tab. Do you feel like this isn't giving you enough information? 

Right now we think of the the medical UI as "First Aid," and so it's tied to afflictions, hypothermia risk, ect. 

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The thing is that in the TAB menu you only see the info wihtout context. It is not tied to the cause and you have to know that the little "green plus" in front of the status bar is due to your consumption of recent food/drink (If that is what you refering to).

However, when you enter the medical tab you see the whole context...  Herbal tea -> Better rest. It helps the player to make the connection. When I started out, I thougth herbal tea is just fluff. It was through the medical tab that I found out it actually has gameplay relevance.

And another perspective: After all you added that functionality to that menu, so I tought that it would be kind of counter-productive to restrict access to that menu when not injured. 

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