my character disappeared after latest hotfix


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hi, this isnt a big issue, i know anything is to be expected during the alpha version of this game. but i thought i should report that one of my characters is gone after the new update. i tried doing a hard restart on my xbox, though it didn't help. i, at the time, had all 5 save slots occupied with a different character. and i know for a fact that the save didn't corrupt due to powering the console off or exiting the game during saving, because the character that disappeared is one i havent played recently. all 4 of my other characters are still fine, though.

thanks ahead of time for looking into this :)

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Guest Support

Sorry to hear this has happened to you. At any time did you see the Xbox do a cloud sync? I've seen local saves be removed by the update process (outside of our control) but syncing to the cloud should resolve this. 

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unfortunately, i wasn't able to retrieve my character from the cloud. i thank yall for such a quick response to my problem, however. :D

note that i havent had this problem with any other characters, but if i do, i'll post on this thread as soon as possible :)

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Guest Support

We are looking into this issue further. The main problem right now is that we don't control the update process, so it's unclear why your save would be gone after the update. There is a known issue that sometimes this happens on the Xbox, in general.  We will continue to work with MS to get to bottom of this. 

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