V3.32 wildlife bugs progress?


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Could anyone comment officially on how if any progress is being made on identifying the problem with the wildlife being stuck in a walking animation but not moving? I haven't played my main game since I almost lost it and really would like to get back to it!  Thanks 

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10 minutes ago, Nasdaq401 said:

Could anyone comment officially on how if any progress is being made on identifying the problem with the wildlife being stuck in a walking animation but not moving? I haven't played my main game since I almost lost it and really would like to get back to it!  Thanks 

We're looking into it! When we have a fix for the issue, we'll be sure to announce it, as we always do. Thanks for your patience. 

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Was about to create a thread, but found this related one (phew).

In case there haven't been enough reports or evidence, here's a clip I caught just this evening. I'm still a new player and learning, but the hype and excitement to be on board is high :) Hopefully it helps with debugging...

video evidence (took place just down the southern access path from Mystery Lake)

Is it happening universally enough that it's not just a pathing issue, or is the navmeshagent just getting caught in a strange spot in the navmesh? (I'm a novice Unity user)

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