Stalker Collection


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Based on
Stalkermode/Balancing I + II

and on this topic:

I want to refresh the ideas regarding Stalkermode.


Goal is a change from hard->easy to easy->hard without removing mechanics/features.

There are only two difficultys to chose: Pilgrim and Stalker
Pilgrim as it is now - Stalker is progressing in dificulty.
Based on the concept of 4 seasons and the request for a 4th "hardcore difficulty", Stalker mode will start at the difficutly of voyager and will become harder as time passes.

Again, a lot of these ideas are from others or were suggested multible times. Some ideas have just been copied, others were modified by me. If you feel you need to be credited, please send me a message.

*Random spawn (you can not select the starting map in stalker)

*Till day 50, the weather is like in voyager
- after that, like in stalker (with a few tweaks as time goes on, see below)

*Days become shorter (less daylight + colder)
at some point, only a little daylight for 3 hours)
050 days: 13h (temp. like voyager)
100 days:  7h (temp. like stalker)
150 days:  3h (-5C average)
200 days:  The Long Dark

*Calories adjustment / usage per day:
050 days:  700 cal
100 days: 1400 cal
150 days: 2100 cal
(i know it has nothing to do with the real world, but it is
a good instrument to make the game harder when progressing)


Random Events:

Storm of the century:
Some time after 100 days, a heavy blizzard appears that
will last for more than 7 days. After the blizzard is gone,
no wildlife will appear for one more week and no wood can be found.

Some time after 50 days, 3 wolves will start to follow you.
As soon your condition is below 50% they will appear and
hunt you. (like the "Hunted" challenge)

Some time after 150 days, a bear will hunt you
(like the challenge, but this time you can kill him)

From time to time, after heavy winds/blizzards, there is
a chance that certain spots will be blocked due to an avalanche
(transition areas, mines, paths in TWM ... ). After a few days
the way will be free again (snow melted)

If you have meat in your cabin, there is a chance that a bear
will break into your home while you are sleeping.
If you have raw meat in a cabin the chance is higher.
-> Door damaged (-5C inside), all food gone


*condition recovery from animal attack only 15% per day
(after day 50)

*40% chance of sprained ankle when running on ice

*20% chance of breaking into ice rivers/lakes (SteveP)
-> instantly freezing

*sleeping in clothes and with a "bottle heater" guarantees
a good sleep (faster recovery + no freezing)

*Hygiene: after 7 days you have to wash yourself
(10 liter water needed)
-> 0.25% condition lost per day if you dont clean yourself

*Water: After day 50, snow can no longer be melted while sitting next to a stove inside!
->water has to be taken from the lake (fishing hole), gathering snow (snow in a bottle), or from toilets
-> water from toilets has to be boiled double time  
-> snow in a bottle will melt (like the cure mechanic) when the bottle is above 5C within 24h
(above 20C within 3h)
-> waterbottle in the backpack will stay liquid as long the player is not freezing
-hot water (only if in a bottle) can be used as "bottle heater" (for 1 hour - warmth bonus)

Parasites/Foodposioning lead to double time needed for all activities
(harvesting, foraging, repair/crafting)

*Prybar/Hacksaw/Hammer is needed to break into houses
(50% chance that a cabin/house is locked)

*You need a light for doing any work(repair, harvest and so on).
-> Without a lightsource, the chance of success is lowered by 50%.(at night)

*if you fall of a rock or another higher level your clothes get damaged (like they do in a wolfattack)
-all types of time consuming activities increase the rate of decay of your clothes
(foraging wood, working on workbench, sleeping, harvesting ...)

*Binoculars (Hobbesyb):
-2 magnifying lens + 4 scrapmetal + tools to craft


*No deer carcasses anymore, less corpses

-Only 1 hatchet/knive will spawn in a game
-> added forge to hydro dam
-Only 1 rifle will spawn in a game (one of the 2 bunkers)

A maximum of 10 riflerounds can be found in the game
(only single rounds can be found, not stacks)

-decay rate from 1000 days to 200 days (food, clothes)
tools, materials and crafted clothes still the same as now


*Hunting skill:
Compareable to firestarting skill. If your skill is low, there is a high chance you ruin the meat, damaging the skin or need more time for gutting.
-> Hunting knive works like accelerant for fire to raise the chance of success (hatchet less - prefab knive/hatchet more than crafted)

*You need to have bait for fishing (guts, meat ...)
-fishing without bait only gives a 10% chance of catching a fish
-fishing tackle can't be harvested anymore

-If you catch an animal with a snare, the snare can't be used again
-can't be harvested anymore
-after 24h, a placed snare will decay if there is a heavy wind or blizzard.
-The amount of snares that are placed on one spot does not increase the chance of catching more than one rabbit anymore!
-if an animal got caught with a snare, there is a chance of 80% that it will disappear after the second day.
So you have two days to get it or it will be most likely be gone (eaten by a wolf :) )

*sneaking up on a deer in a wolfskin coat will not work
(they will always run away like if you would just run at them)

*if a deer has been killed within 14 days after it respawned, it will not respawn again.

*firestarting base skill reduced to 10 %

*After 50 days, Fir and Cedar now have to be dried before you can use it (just like hide)
-> sticks and reclaimed doesnt need to be dried

*Ability to harvest coal from burned out fires
-> coal can be used as antiseptic + purify water

*Overheating (Salty Crackers): If the temperature is above 30C, you will need to drink sooner and more

*Cauterizing (djb204): Cauterizing a wound with torch/Stick to stop bleeding
-> knock out (like a wolf/bear attack) and -20% condition
(you can not go below 10%)

*Birch bark can be used as accellerant (balancing the low firestarting skill)


*After day 150, there is a 10% chance that a blizzard or heavy wind will open the door of your cabin/house
-> -5C temp. inside
-> if it happens while sleeping and you are freezing, you will wake up at 50% condition
-> this will not happen in strong buildings like the dam

*After day 100, there is a 50% chance of dying if you go to sleep for more than 3 hours indoors while a fire still is burning. (carbon monoxide poisoning)


*The summit has to be reworked. The amount of loot just makes the map unplayable. If there would be no loot at the summit, TWM would be one of the best maps. With the loot, it is even worse than CH. (from a stalker perspective) Still there has to be a good reason to go there. So just removing the loot makes no sense and is kind of against the aspect of exploring.


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  • 2 weeks later...

That would be cool if it were in a seperate option, maybe not that in depth then, not that i say that your depth isn't well thought out, well not the whole of it though which i'll point out in a moment.
And with seperate option, i mean more like a challenge, while also having other challenges, bit like the ones we already have.

The carbon monoxide poisoning is a bit odd though, unless a bird makes a nest on the chimney and then decides to stay there only to die in it's sleep from the fumes, clogging up the chimney even further, then juuust maybe (we had it multiple times) might your chimney smoke turn into a hazard.
Chimneys are "designed" to have suction to the outside of the building, even a birds nest with a bird in the chimney it would normally not be noticable at first.
Also the only way to collect coal from a dead fire is if you added coal, otherwise i think you mean charcoal.
And overheating from salty crackers? You're already less likely to sweat, due to the salt your body retains more water.

I really like the 'blowing open cabin door blizzards', but it can't really loud the exteriors, how to fix this? Make a small box of a thick heavy snowstorm ( which you cannot see through) just infront of the opened door.
Washing is also neat, but seems like a trend not to include washing and pooping in a video game, i hope they do add it someday though.
Most of the random events are also neat ideas, very neat actually.

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