Wood Sledge


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What do you think about the idea of a sledge you can tow in order to carry firewood? This would make it more feasible to create stacks of cordwood outside or inside fishing huts or as needed during exploration.

The change in wood foraging has made the game more difficult to survive overnight outdoors! There is, of course, plenty of fuel in the outdoors in a temperate forest.

Another feature you might want is the ability to cure green wood. It should be stacked in cords.

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I've considered the idea of a sled too, but dismissed it. The reason is the alpha game The Forest. There the sled has become necessary only because you're chopping down whole trees and building large structures. They eventually made it so the sled can carry bodies. Where would it end in TLD? Transporting multiple deer for slaughter at home? I'm not sure it would feel right in TLD, and the concessions for the physics of moving it over terrain may be unrealistic. It would almost be too easy then since establishing a home and inventory weight management, making multiple, dangerous trips, is part of the challenge.

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I would suggest limiting the sledge to flat ice surfaces such as the lake or a river. They could also make it possible to operate a sledge on a hill but the real physics of doing such a thing make it very difficult to drag a hundred pounds uphill. On ice however, the runners of a sled actually create a very low friction way of moving heavy objects. I suggested this because of the difficulty of long fishing stays in the huts because foraging wood is now not a simple job.

Were I in such circumstances in real life, a toboggan or sled would be something I would need for the woods. No one gathers wood without such things if they have a choice. When I was a lad, we'd bring wood to the back porch from the outdoor woodpile using a sledge. Making wood was a big deal done every year taking several days. With a splitter, the work could be done for a year in a few days. Hand splitting takes much longer.

I'd also like to see some stock piles of wood at various locations. Cordwood.

In the exploration phases of the game, picking up sticks for fire is realistic; just not for planned work such as ice fishing, cooking or heating a shelter.

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