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  1. Honestly I've been a lurker for a few years, and the largest reason I didn't create an account was there didn't seem to be any reason to. The conversations usually seem to focus on optimizing the game for people who want far more difficult play experiences than I'm interested in (not throwing shade to different play styles! Just not interested the more punishing difficulty style). At a certain point, I couldn't participate in 80% of the conversations because I play on the switch and TLD has been out of date for months, meaning I could either be a part of the community and have everything pretty spoiled and explored before I ever see the gameplay myself, or I can just be excluded but not get spoiled. I only ended up making an account because it felt like the only way to get any chance of information on the Switch build because the website, FAQ, support page and interim steam posts didn't ever address the switch.
  2. I tend to plateau around 65-80 days. Not because I can't keep going, but around that point, I feel pretty bored by the world. I've usually already gotten the best gear, hiked the entire map, and set up camp somewhere. Usually, I just end up dying by doing something stupid like seeing how close to the edge of a cliff I can get, or provoking animals into attacking me playing bear chicken. I think I could definitely push a couple hundred days, but by day 70 I usually would rather just start a new run.