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Posts posted by xxfinebeanzxx

  1. I have come back however I still cannot play but I have returned from my... what? 1, 2-year vacation? anyways I am back and planning to be active again, learning from others so I am educated when I play again, and spreading the knowledge I learn to newcomers.

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  2. the sound of a house shaking during a blizzard when you're inside makes the house feel like it has been there for almost 100 years (I live in a house that was built in 1918 and when I jump or even walk it rattles and shakes) and the sound the ferro rod (firestriker) make really does sound like a ferro rod being struck. the hum and buzz of street lamps during an aurora is somewhat calming and comforting.

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  3. the fact that the rifle is a Lee Enfield, a rifle issued to the Canadian army since the first Boer war, and how the island is most likely run on military surplus really cements you into the game. the posters in Thomas's Crossing are reminiscent of the WW2 U.S. Buy War Bonds posters and the ones to donate metal as well

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  4. 1 minute ago, Leeanda said:

    I can't remember which difficulty you're on...     The quickest way to it ,is leave the farmhouse from the back door.head straight across the field over the back and go down and over the river, there are some bunnies on the way so you could snag a couple with stones.. straight across the river and up past the burnt down house.(there might be some ammo there... Up the hill past the big fallen tree ,over the tree bridge and on your left you can goat up the rocks. It's a bit fiddly but doable.. go right and stay right following the rock edge and as high as possible. You should find the cache tucked away ...  

    You can also pick any rosehips,birch bark and mushrooms and use the teas to keep from starving..there's a few cat tails on the river too.. 

    To avoid using ammo, try torches or flares to keep the wolves away..  

    Have you got any arrows?  I know there's a few arrows and arrowheads around ,but if you can make a bow that will help a bit too.. 

    1. voyager

    2. I stuck with stones

    3. I have not a bow

  5. 8 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    As far as I know all platforms have the new style peppers...    Try up behind the crash site cave..   it's very tricky to get to but you can goat up those rocks outside the cave and go round the back of it..

    Yeah I've been around there since I tried "the hunted" challenge but I haven't gone that far up so it will be an adventure and a trek but I don't know what to pack I'm almost out of bullets and supplies so I kinda need some advice and help

  6. 3 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    I've been trying to but the latest one I found was 2023 and still the old pepper caches on it.

    maybe because I'm on Switch it still is on the old locations and it still a chance thing, It is plausible and I hope I can get the hunting cache because that sounds like it will hold the most ammo

  7. 6 hours ago, Leeanda said:

    The only bear in PV at the moment is the birch forest one,seems the bug fix worked ok for the other maps  just not PV.. it's very weird without them .

    well I did see the farm house bear so...

  8. On 1/15/2024 at 8:31 AM, I_eat_only_wolf_meat said:

    You can make a coffee substitute out of chicory root.  In North America it's a very common naturalized weed and is also known as cornflower.  You can recognize it from the pretty flowers that are very similar to the Crayola color of the same name.  If you decide to go foraging for some be sure to take someone who really knows their plants that can pin down the ID for you.

    Back in the seventies I can remember my parents buying coffee that proudly proclaimed that it included chicory.  I'm not sure if popularized chicory coffee was due to the OPEC embargo or some other economic condition that affected coffee prices.  Either way, I've never tried it.   Let us knows how it goes if you try.

    tru and chicory roots have like I think twice as much caffeine as regular coffee so it is pretty strong but much like cat tail stalks (yes, you can actually eat them) you can eat it raw, won't taste good tho

  9. 1 hour ago, Leeanda said:

    I get that... My main base is always the farm...  You should be able to find a fair bit of loose ammo in PV alone but it can be easy to miss some .. like the rifle rounds in the hay on the floor in the small barn, I'm sure I've missed some  there on a few runs. 

    As for the spare rifle ,I think it's always good to have a spare, if you get a bear mauling it can get ruined so a back up one is handy.....

    Are you only staying in PV?

    I'll prob branch out in order to get more food and more ammo. 

  10. 3 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Oh I see.. well I think you're more likely to find more elsewhere rather  than  in the caches...   There's usually a few around in cars or places like three strikes or the sheds. .. 

    but I want to be able to set up a more permanent base at the PV farm stead because it's just perfect how ever I'll need lots of supplies before it becomes my home. 

  11. Just now, Leeanda said:

    Oh I see.. well I think you're more likely to find more elsewhere rather  than  in the caches...   There's usually a few around in cars or places like three strikes or the sheds. .. 

    well lucky me I went to try and find the caches and stumbled into three strikes with a rifle there so that's the second I haven't grabbed it because I'm unsure what to do with it if I do

  12. 2 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    It is but only really for the caches... .. but you should be ok finding this one... Once you find it you never have to look anywhere else .. ..

    Must admit I do miss having to search for it..

    tru but the whole reason I'm on Mr bones wild ride for bunkers is for ammo for my rifle and revolver

  13. 1 minute ago, xanna said:

    Yep, as I said, the bunkers with wheel-operable hatches are also permanent fixtures, but they may be empty or may be chock full of good loot. They are in hard-to-find places, but are always there.

    Not every region ha one, there are 9 of them altogether.
    Despite the warning, this seems to be accurate:

    I don't have DLC so are those bunkers base game?