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Everything posted by miakiy

  1. Thanks, I have all the rights to express my disappointment including a refund and speaking out loud.
  2. I hate to say it but this dev diary is astoundingly disappointing, we players have NOT found ourselves reading a dev diary for almost three months, which had not happened before, and we have to wait another two or three months for the next part of TALES. So what are you guys doing in these months? Shouldn't we players be respected and know how things are going? A small piece of article could have done it, this wouldn't take long. And there are absolutely no apologies and explanations, just cliches of "very busy". I am furious, this is not what I expected when I bought this DLC, whose content is expected to be completed in one year. Sure, the dev team told us that 8-10-week cadence is unavailable in May, but how long? We do NOT know by now. Why would you promise this cadence if you cannot calculate? And why cannot you calculate after you broke your promise while you can when you persuaded us to buy the DLC? Perhaps we have the cadence when you told us that part four is "targeting release by the end of the year", which means the cadence is half a year, 26 weeks since the last part was released in late June. You could tell us, but you are afraid of terrifying potential buyers. TOTAL SCAM.