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Posts posted by elpresidente

  1. The big axe and wood saw could be used to chop down trees, or at least those that are already fallen. Some way to stack the chopped wood in places that don't have a fuel bin.

    A sled of some sort. It could be crafted or found. Thus you could carry additional 20 kg or more with you.

    An analog wristwatch to tell what time it is.

    Some better long-lasting way to illuminate homes - like candles.


    Scissors. Scissors could be a much better and faster alternative to cut cloth and create clothing.

    Big pots for boiling water. Maybe a 6 liter one.

    Some permanent way to start fire. Perhaps finding flint stones at some places and using it with tinder.

    And I do vote for a way to remove corpses and bury them.

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