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Everything posted by coil

  1. Thanks for the answer and reply. This is the last time I give Hinterland any of my money. I feel like I just wasted week's worth of my real life time building up that Survival mode character, only to have it completely erased by an "update." Good update! Even better that it failed to even load initially. I guess Hinterland expect people to do all the tedious work again for week's of real-life hours? Unbelievable expectation. Who knows if they'll do the same thing in the future, deleting more of my in-game work with one of their future "updates." 👎 Uninstalling, I'm finished. 👎 Edit: looks like this isn't the first time Hinterland wiped saved games. I guess this is part of their modus operandi: destroy customer's saved games, make them tediously play through it all again. Rinse, repeat. Force them to rebuild everything. Good business model you guys have going there.
  2. Thanks, error is gone now. But where is my saved Survival mode game? It's not there anymore. Literally put weeks of real life time into building that saved game, and now it's gone? "New" ? Where's Load? What's going on here? 🤨
  3. I'm having the same problem, "Failed to load il2cpp" Restarting Steam numerous times didn't fix the issue. Verifying game files did not fix the issue. I'm uninstalling TLD and reinstalling now. Edit: Full uninstall and full reinstall did not fix the issue. Don't bother trying a reinstallation, fellas. It won't fix the problem. 😔