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Zealous4Zombie's Achievements


Wolfbait (1/4)



  1. Title: .303 British Category: Survival Honestly for my first cosplay of anything I really wish I gave myself more time for the photos, but the costume came out better than I could have thought! I got into TLD way back in 2014 when I wanted to take a break from the constant zombies of other survival games, mostly because one side of my family grew up in frontier Alaska (which is where the rifle came from) and so I was always somewhat interested in winter survival. Now it's one of my top comfort games and I'm getting close to 100% on the achievements, and I always gush to my friends about the unmatched vibes this game brings to me. I remember during my rough college years there was a quote from one of the notes that really stuck with me and would brighten my day: "Take a step. Walk because it's your destiny to make it out of here." Thanks Backer #4783 for that one...