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Everything posted by Croatoan

  1. " Flocking by the river each morning Thirsty for the water from the white mountain That melts into grey and green each spring The power of what can save and betray, now shines in the eye of a black grouse. Round and glistening, aware and listening, for the distant roar of a hunters gun. As all are one through death and the morning sun. A brief show of a changing act, the curtain of which once falls, is then forgotten. Actors become the stage and the stage begins to play " -Croatoan Submission category - Survival A survival cosplay inspired by the interloper gameplay. The video includes cattail friction fire making, survival bow and traditional gear, which is what I like the most from the game. Hopefully we will see the friction fire in-game soon as well The video is my main submission, but I will also include a couple pictures of the character as well. (There's a small blooper bit after the main video ) I don't have much prior cosplay experience, apart from a few Fallout and Metro 2033 inspired "cosplays" I did when I was younger. I hobby hiking and handcrafts, did the bow and knife sheath myself while the rest of the gear is chosen from the hiking equipment I have accumulated for more traditional style hiking. The long dark has been one of my favourite games ever since its release and as soon as I heard of the competition I just knew I had to find the time and take part! Huge thanks to my partner for editing!