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Vorgonian's Achievements


Wolfbait (1/4)



  1. I got stuck at the same point. It seems that taking the parts is not enough. My guess is the script only registers taking the parts AFTER you won against the bear (and IT is running away). I was able to resovle this by revisiting the towers and getting another set of transponderparts where the bear attacked first. I still have one additional set of transponderparts in my quest-inventory. My guess is, you have to find and fight the bear again at the transponder where you ran away.
  2. I had the same problem. All three Transponders checked, all parts in my inventory - no progress in the quest. BUT I found a solution: Just revisit the towers again. I was able to take another set of parts from one tower(where the first bear attack happened) and the story went on. My guess is, if you take the parts before fighting the bear, it is not registerted correctly in the scripts. I even have one extra sets of parts still in my (quest)-inventory. Good luck!