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Wolfbait (1/4)



  1. i did both in diffrent times
  2. hi, finished the game yesterday. I had so mach fun, thank you. the story interesting and the missions amazing. to me it felt a bit short but maybe it was the time flying. anyway, i had a fue problems with the visuals. some didnt interapt the playthrough. for example, the walls outside blacrock prison didnt appeare. it was just sighns hanging midair. and some more annoying. for example, when you go down a cliff on a rope outside the mines the rope end on an invisible floor that lead to another rope. beside that the snow sometime block you on a tiny pile of snow on the road. and one of the supply pacages was midair. i think I even saw adeer mid air. all those small things dont stop you from playing and having fun, but they interrapt. anyway, thank you for such an amazing game