Lxndscape _ Gh0st

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Everything posted by Lxndscape _ Gh0st

  1. I always dreamed of somehow sharing one day this awesome situation that happened to me while challenging myself at the “Archivist Challenge” (already 2 years ago), so it's unbelievably exciting for me to finally being able do it, and I thank personally all the Hinterland team for organizing this little event, for giving me the space to share this, and of course, for creating such an amazing game and challenges in it and caring so much for the community <3. Aaaaanyways… now, without any other hesitation, here comes my story: After traveling miles and miles searching for the buffer memories I was looking for, fighting against the wilderness of our Great Bear Island, approximately at the middle of my journey, I ended up entering the region of Timberwolf Mountain. Fortunately at that time, I didn't have any near death experiences nor important equipment losses, except for some wolf encounters, but nothing like what I was going to experience once I dived deep into Timberwolf's most dangerous first part. After heading north in Pleasant Valley to the connector with Timberwolf Mountain, I continued up following the trail, heading right and peacefully to my nearest and next destination, Crystal Lake. Everything was going so peacefully, almost unreal. Perfect weather, any wildlife around, nothing, just me and the beautiful quiet white scenery. After some minutes, I started to cross down the Landing Gear zone. It was still too peaceful around, so I started to freak out a bit, and began to move very slowly and carefully, trying not to make any false move in case there was some hidden threat around, waiting for the perfect moment to haunt me. I continued walking down the alley, expectant, when suddenly, in a blink of an eye and fast as thunder, without making any noise and not even seeing it before he charged at me, a giant moose came out of nowhere and ravaged against me, almost ghost-like, submitting me to the ground, leaving me completely helpless against his monstrous force, ending up destroying my ribs, and leaving me stunned, but at the same time shattered. I was devastated. All my plans had just fallen right in front of my eyes, and without even being able to do something about it, and all just because of the quietness of my new worst adversary. Even if I was still shocked after some minutes, I was forced to come up with the best next move possible, and quickly, because I still had a long journey to go, and I was fully exposed to Mother Nature after the attack. Luckily, as I had planned since before, I was already very close to Crystal Lake, so I just needed to crash there, find a safe shelter, and just heal and wait some time with all the things I had at my reach, in order to be able to continue as soon as possible. So, that's exactly what I did. I settled down at the Mountaineer's Hut, which was right after the lake, and stayed there, making it my new temporary home for the last 5 days. I managed to hunt some wolf, fish, and find some more food around. I also caught some amazing views during my stay there, so… instead of taking it just as an unfortunate and bad-luck situation, I took it as a great test, as a great example where I proved to myself (even nowadays) that I am capable of surviving any circumstance, no matter what, and still find beauty in it ... And that's it !! :] I almost didn't take photos of my stay there, but as I always tend to do, I took some pictures at different times of the day, along the 5 days I stayed there. This time, of one of my favorite but yet spine-chilling views I´ve ever seen in the game.