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Everything posted by JohnnyLeutner

  1. Are seasons ever going to appear in Wintermute or is it forever going to be perpetual winter. I'd like it if they were different seasons, so there can be different clothing choices and exposed grass/dirt/mud.
  2. Wolves and Timberwolves are the most annoying animals. The howls from wolves doesn't necessarily mean they're trying to kill you, as for Timberwolves they can be really aggressive, and always attack in packs.
  3. Once you find the replacement fuses (this can take time). They're tutorial vids on YouTube on which fuse boxes you need to go to, and activate. All the fuse boxes you need to activate, are by the elevator shaft. CH is in episode 4 (i assume). If you were able to explore it before episode 3 ended, its a bug.
  4. I started at the southeast tower, the bear never shows up at this tower (if you started here). The bear only attacks at the southwest tower, north tower, and at the tunnel entrance to Muskeg. To make struggles with the bear easier, set the struggle option to "press and hold", in the game options.