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Everything posted by Rotorouter

  1. You can save wear and tear of clothes by undressing before sleeping (only in a temperature-safe location like interior beds of course). It would be nice to have an undress button on the clothing screen to save the tedious clicking which is currently necessary. At the same time, a "dress" button on the same screen could load the clothing configuration which you had on at the time you last used the "undress" button. It would be reasonable for each dress/undress action to take 10-15 minutes, IMHO.
  2. Maybe Perseverance Mills could have a Tim Hortons. I know the game doesn't really do product placement, but this might be an opportunity for an exception.
  3. We've all had the experience of holding the revolver, looking down to pick up something on the ground, and accidentally firing off a round. How about in this instance, there would be a chance to shoot yourself in the foot. The shot could inflict a medium amount of damage (30-50% of condition), inflict bleeding and a sprain, and damage your footwear. Only apply the self-injury chance in instances where you are looking down; less than 30 degrees from vertical. The mechanic would contribute to realism, and discipline the player to care for firearm safety (put the gun away before picking up something).