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Everything posted by keylight

  1. Currently, when walking around, even through the coldest of weather, no matter how much you walk your body temperature is not effected. However, irl, even if it's really cold, you'll warm up after you've been walking for a bit. But if you walk too much, or too fast, with too much clothing, you'll get sweaty and then get colder after your activity stops. This would add a whole new dynamic to the game: body temp management. traveling too far too fast would be punished (inner layers of clothing would get wet first) but you could travel longer through worse weather if you pace yourself correctly with the right amount of clothing. Perhaps even removing your hat, or layers of clothing to prevent sweating. If you do get sweaty, you'd have to keep your activity level up until you can get to some shelter or build a fire and warm up/dry out. I hope you like my idea! Thanks!