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Posts posted by StillNomad

  1. On 12/15/2023 at 11:59 PM, Mistral said:

    To confirm: we have a range of visual enhancements planned, many specifically for high-end systems (high-end PC, Xbox Series X|S, or PlayStation 5)

    Good grief. I hope they dont change things so much that lower end systems don't even run it.

    I'm running TLD on a MacBP booting in Win10 on an external SSD. :D Even at this dismal graphic setting, the game is beautiful, especially as it allows us to capture high quality screenshots for wallpapers.  So have mercy with the beautification.

  2. Yes, this particular cave system is a little confusing and lengthy. I don't mind it, though.

    What I've started doing specifically for this cave system and then the mines as well is to drop used torches. If I take a branch and it turns out to be a dead end (or it can be avoided as a shorter route exists), I'll drop a torch across the path and add a stone at each end of the torch to visually block this branch. I do this once I return back to the fork / start of the branch. On the other path that I now need to take, I'll place a torch in line with the path with 2 stones at the end/bottom of the torch. Bit cumbersome the first time, but I've not lost my way since. :)

  3. On 12/17/2023 at 8:36 PM, acada said:

    I got there and found the cache. Emptied it. But the task still says I have finished 1 of 2. There was nothing I could find in heli or near it.

    It happened to me too and couldn't find what I was missing. But upon looking closer, ...


    ...just next to the cache, was a security log. It is very easily overlooked as it is small and you tend to focus only on the cache. This log is the information bit that the objective is talking about. I got 2/2 after I picked the security log.


    I hope this helps. Now, I don't mean to hijack this thread, but since the title is "What am I missing?", maybe someone can help me with this.

    I've completed the tale, buried the bones, etc. and got the badge. But in the list of objectives, the last objective of "Search the deepest corners of the Langston mine" is unchecked. It says to find a way to the tracks connecting the concentrator to the ridge above. I thought this was the short bridge connecting the Concentrator with the Mine entrance for which we needed the Mine Gate key. Do I need to specifically find one branch of the mine or something. BTW, I've also found one branch that connects ...


    the Langston mine via the Concentrator to the Mine entrance nr Miner's Path (or something) on the left side of the map along the river. This branch requires us to use a hatchet to break through planks.

    So, what am I missing?


  4. This happens to me each time in Camp Office. Only Camp Office. And only after the DLC updates. There is a definite stutter and longer than this video. I've been playing on the same machine for last 3-4 years. Haven't touched any settings (medium to low settings considering specs).

  5. I might have to give these songs a try.

    The game has an excellent vibe to it with its own soundtrack that I don't feel like listening to something else. But when  I do, I like these.

    PULSE - Pink Floyd. the whole album is solid.


    Alice in Chains MTV Unplugged


    The Doors - Very Best of...



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  6. On 7/15/2023 at 3:20 AM, Retro Seamstress said:

    I didn't see or hear a single wolf on the entire trip from The Ravine to The Ryken in DP. 

    I recently played ATDS and noticed this too. Did you have any mods installed?

    This is what I found when I tried to start the ATDS challenge last weekend.

    1. I dont know after which update this happened, but when I went to start ATDS challenge, I noticed the badge was already achieved. I've never played it.
    2. Started ATDS. BI was cold/windy as expected. Lost some health getting to FM cave via Short cut route to avoid timberwolves. Entered FM and noticed the wolves were running away like in Pilgrim.
    3. Slept at FM forge. Noticed I gained health next morning.
    4. Pleasant / marginal cold temps all the way through since this moment.
    5. Noticed there were no wildlife anywhere in the region. None at all.
    6. Not sure if they have rejigged the loot tables, but I didn't find typical loot at specific points. Eg: no stim in open cave near to the climb to get to Milton basin from upper FM (a moose spawns here). Also, no flare gun in Ravine.
    7. I uninstalled the game as I had a couple of mods installed. I though it was due to this. I installed it afresh, verified the files via steam. A new ATDS run has no wildlife right from the start. Also birch bark tea causes health to recover. Not to mention, ample pilgrim level loot.

    8. When I completed the challenge the first time, it was 6days and change. But my best time showed "under a minute".


    Edit: I've logged a support ticket.

  7. On 6/24/2023 at 5:02 PM, Sherri said:

    The transmitter caches/bunkers have story info so that ship has sailed.

    Can this be seen somewhat like the Archivist challenge? We were already reading notes left behind by the general population on their laptops/PCs. Here, the survivor is getting to know more about the GB region and finds what the place was used for by govt? researchers? someone else? Also, if I'm not wrong, the TFTFT is only available with the DLC. So the Signal Void tales will only be available for those who buy the DLC suggesting it is not a massive story component as such.

  8. The way I see The Trader is somewhat like this. Wintermute and Survival sandbox are two separate environments. The story can have NPCs for it has a story. The survivor sandbox is purely survival. What is this survival from? Based on the game's original premise, nature is out of order due to the GM storm. There is no one else. The GB is an island and is disconnected/isolated/forgotten from the world. The survivor is stuck here. Would they like to be rescued and taken back to civilization? Maybe they would like to. That is why they are surviving, for there is hope of being rescued one day. The game ends the day they are rescued.

    Now if an NPC is introduced in survival sandbox as a trader to trade commodities, that means there is a connect with the outside world. Why would the character want to continue living on GB island fighting bears/wolves for scraps and not want to go back to civilization & comfort? More importantly, why would the outside world not travel to GB island for one of many reasons? This is where survival mode would break for me.

    So, the designers will have to plan this very thoroughly and design a mechanism that doesn't break the original concept of surviving this quietness, isolation, wildlife, etc. If they do indeed bring in an NPC for trading commodities, it may be like the one in episode 2 (?) in ML (I forget, it was a long time ago) where McKenzie exchanges some commodity with a Forrest Talker for something important in the story/side mission. Just a voice behind a door and an animation like the transmitter fixing. The one that @Sherri suggests is also very doable.

    AFA limited unique food commodity is concerned, my personal preference is the ability to prop up a small greenhouse and grow basic stuff like potatoes (a-la The Martian) as the game has now released. Boil sea water for salt, oil from fish cooking and flour from some root as suggested above. More recipes from already available stuff for more buffs. This maintains the original premise of the game while still being useful for those who play the long game where you will have something to do.

    Sorry for the long comment. Just my 2cents.

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  9. On 6/24/2023 at 5:56 AM, Tekuromoto said:

    And while we're at it, why doesn't the game remember the last tool you used to harvest a carcass, or break down branches, or light a fire. Having to choose every. single. time. is a pain in the butt.

    This is not new with the latest update. I remember suggesting this, I dunno, maybe 2 years ago. Now that HL is talking about mods, I can say that there is a mod for this. Its called "remember the last tool used" or something.

    On 6/23/2023 at 10:33 PM, Leeanda said:

    How odd.  I don't even remember seeing snow inside a hut before

    Bitter Marsh in Ash Canyon. Glad I'm not the only one with this issue of not being able to step over the fishing cabin floor. Thought I was encumbered, dropped weight to be under limit, still couldn't get in. Move a bit and found a way in.


    Other issue I found apart from the ones mentioned by others here...

    1. Hit boxes for dead deer is off again. I get the message to harvest the animal somewhere below its legs. This doesn't happen all the time.

    2. Sometimes when a wolf hunts a deer and I scare it away to steal the kill :), I dont see the option to harvest the deer. Not even "nothing to harvest" like you sometimes see with rabbits. Maybe related to 1 and didn't find the hit box.

    3. Placing the cooking pot now sounds like I'm dragging a car upside down.

    4. I was encumbered, but not running. So despite stamina bar being full, when the survivor entered the TWM mountaineer's hut, he was panting like he was recovering from a run. 

    Finally, not a bug, but I think the start up messages are becoming too long now with the addition of the photosensitive warning. I'm the only one playing TLD in my house, I've read it once, so why see it each time I load the game. I dont have issues with flickering, I understand this is a game, so wildlife wont behave the same IRL, I've seen who supported the game. Can we have an option to disable this? Maybe show the messages once every 10 loads in case people forget. There is a mod to get to the menu screen directly, but surely HL can fix this, no?

    I'll add the issues on the support pages, but thought I'd share them here as well.

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  10. I've found quite a lot in comparison to others here. ML has a flock at Lake Overlook (one on the hill opp Camp Office). I've found quite a few in TWM. Summit had two flocks (one near the cave and the other nr Tail Section on the hill opp the opening.). Ash Canyon had the most number I've found till now. Near the gold mine between the birch saplings and the corpse, Miner's folly, near the cave diagonally opp Climber's cave on the same level. These are just a few places that I could remember.

    The only thing is, unlike the rabbits, if you scare them or miss hitting them, they'll fly off and not return to that spot for a while.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Leeanda said:

    Pilgrim still runs the risk of attacks by any predators.. it is low but if you leave passive on but take wolf fear off it makes it more likely for  a wolf attack.  Actually since the last fix I've had a few bear/moose turning on me than I ever have before.whether the devs tweaked it or not I don't know but it does stop you getting complacent.  

    Ah, thanks for the info. I've not tried the setting in this particular combo before. I will in the next run, once this gets tiring. 

    By chance, I was just scouring the Mods section and came across the Animal Behaviour mod. Looks interesting. 

  12. On 11/3/2021 at 1:51 PM, Leeanda said:

    Obviously for me it's Pilgrim, but wondered what everyone else's was? This includes story  custom mode and challenges!

    Al old thread, but a question most definitely on people's minds (including mine). 

    Currently, my favourite (ATM) is a custom with harsh weather, lowest loot, no firearms, all illnesses (no sprain), world gets colder, lowest condition gain (and only at rest),  but no aggro. I also selected 2 feats a-la interloper.

    I like the custom mode because I like to camp in places where I can catch a good sunrise or sunset. I really enjoy this activity like I do in real life. This custom mode without the aggro allows me to do that along with the weather challenges to make life a bit difficult.

    But as with every difficulty the game offers, it gets a bit boring after a while. Interloper got boring after I could hunt at will and had cooking level 5 and bear coats+bed roll. Stalker is boring by default as the wolves will ping you from a light year away. Voyageur is a good mix between "the camping vacation" (Pilgrim) and other difficulties but does have it's moments where I struggle to continue.

    I just wish there was something in between Pilgrim and Voyageur where the aggro levels is off but there could be times where a wolf could turn aggro. Right now it is 0 or 1 (or 0.99). Like when it's really hungry and will take the risk to attack a human. (HL does have a disclaimer that wolves generally avoid people + this -> So this doubt will keep a Pilgrim on their toes but not like on Stalker/Interloper where you have to tip-toe all the time (yes, the torch drop+aim exists but it becomes ritualistic). RN, even after you push a deer towards a wolf and it has had its lunch, it will still attack you. In this mode, the bear/moose could be more aggro than the wolves but still not 100% (like 50%). I don't know if I've described it the way I thought. Maybe HL can give us custom aggro on/off with %ages and I'd be good. 

    TL;DR Custom Pilgrim. :)

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  13. I used to watch Erik's videos for a long time. He has been making these videos about his excursions in the Swedish forests and trails. 

    He does a phenomenal job of capturing the silence, the sounds of nature and just his presence. Most of the time he does it on his own. All very "The Long Dark" -ish.

    Just came across this again and gave me TLD vibes.


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  14. On 7/18/2022 at 6:21 PM, ManicManiac said:

    It seems that each bear will have a couple of routes they like to wander, and often it seems they favor picking ones I like to use also. 🤭


    First of all, amazing screenshots. Gives us a window into some of the past versions. I so wish HL would allow us to play 4DON again as challenges.

    About the bear paths, is it possible the game "learns" the player's paths to emulate how wildlife would pick up telltale signs of a prey such as smell and send wildlife in that direction especially when it coincides with their patrol routes. 


    Couple of screenshots from a recent run.

    Got to love the sunrises at Desolation Point.



    A very yellow foggy end to the day. A bit rare but not as rare as the green sunset as mentioned above. That is really rare. Dropped the torch to avoid capturing the hand. screen_189ddbcb-eea6-4b11-92cc-acaa62d18661_hi__e2-l.thumb.jpg.96d56578938492fa6cc6d6301d705eed.jpg


    Near Thomson's Crossing. Winter Wonderland is so beautifully depicted in this game.  


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  15. On one of my very early runs on Voyageur (i think) in Ash canyon, this is what I found in Homesteader's Respite.

    One bullet, one revolver. Was the fellow thinking of ending it all? Is the corpse at the bottom of the rope to Fire Overlook of the person who lived here? He apparently didn't use the revolver but died falling off the rope? Questions... 

    TLD is such an intense game. There are so many times when things have dark meanings to it if you ask the questions...screen_393a5b8a-9384-461b-8052-b617f10bea0e_hi__e1-l.thumb.jpg.70410b26c0d5dfca8f2d1b21628e0621.jpg


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  16. On 6/26/2022 at 6:35 PM, Jolan said:

    Haven't really seen this before :) 

    aurora cave 2.png

    aurora cave.png

    The 2nd screenshot, are we looking up at the holes in the roof of a cave during the aurora?


    Couple of screenshots that I'm using as wallpapers on my 2 monitors at work. :)

    Deer Clearing in TWM. Aah. To come back to your fire in a warm cave after harvesting some deer meat and gathering some more sticks. Feels like home. 



    Quonset Garage in CH. When you've had a long day and could do with some hot tea for the evening. :) 



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  17. On 6/6/2022 at 1:30 AM, Skogtun said:

    In my opinion, the whole "warp zone" idea doesn't feel right for The Long Dark.
    Same with the idea of arid/desert areas. I hope The Long Dark will stay as snowy as it is, if not even more so!

    Something I like is the idea of some sort of sacred area with old totems etc, like in the photo above.

    I agree. ^

    What I can suggest is to have a region placed (If i were to refer Kai's Great Bear Island map) between & connecting HRV <-> BRM. Or HRV <-> AC even. If we can have a connector like Keeper's Path to connect PV <-> BRM, then we can connect New Region with AC. Keeper's Path was good, a nice corner of the world.

    This would make players visit HRV a lot more than most do. I like the OP's idea to have a glacier like region with crevasses that can be crossed either via fallen trees for narrow ones or the long rope bridges like we have in Ash Canyon. Crampons would be necessary, wild life would be minimal, there could be evidence of humans in the form of explorers, a climbing base camp, trees in the lower region + some wildlife. Mid-tier, there could be an ice cave system, with some mining activity (for salt or crystals?) which could hold some new kind of loot, like hiking poles (would have been one of the first things I'd craft IRL I suppose) or eye protection (from cold+snow blindness+physical protection).

    The higher regions could have a couple of inter connected high altitude lakes, but brackish in nature (self contradictory, but Pangong Tso exists) and so wont freeze entirely. A hermit's retreat overlooking the lakes as a man made structure/shelter + some wild life around (opportunity to introduce a new plant / wildlife species?).On the other end, but on the same higher ground, signs of Canadian First People settlement/remnants. The totem poles in one of the photos above is a good example. 

    I mucked around in PS and added this region to Kai's map (I hope it is ok, I dont have the permission). I just used parts of the existing map to create this very quickly. Credit for the original map goes to Kai. KaisTLDmapV3_1-(new-region).thumb.jpg.c6eeefe4a3c6787e53cb1a6f7ed35443.jpg

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  18. This is an old thread, but I'll try. 

    Terrific real-life atmosphere. No zombies. <- 5 words.

    If I may elaborate just a little... (not in any order)

    • immersed in nature (realism)
    • silence where needed, just your sounds along with sounds of nature around you, no janky music (realism)
    • no cross hairs for weapons (realism)
    • perma death (realism)
    • soulful atmospheric music
    • fantastic skies, light, mood
    • unique art direction, design philosophies
    • winter wonderland (The last comic strip of Calvin & Hobbes fits perfectly)
    • Philosophical (nature is beautiful, but brutal. helps you sustain but will kill you. Makes you witness death. Gratitude)
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