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Everything posted by SiRro

  1. Despite Hinterland claiming to have fixed it, it is still not spawning on my custom gunloper run. My custom settings are interloper or harder on any metric, but with guns enabled. I created it just after the introduction of the paid content to evade problems & bugs. I have searched AC multiple times now specifically for the curator's rifle aswell as after the changelogs claiming it had been fixed - to no avail - its not there. All five spawn points empty: (North of Runaway Bridge; High Meadow; West of Wolf's Jaw Overlook; Wolf's Jaw Overlook; East of the Mining camp on top of Long Falls) Oddly aswell, all Cattails seem to have respawned once - aswell as some items of any kind all around the map. Also fresh processed food at day ~300. I had preemptively saved my settings code: 88nM-fz8P-Pz9n-zaXW-guIA Edit: I have just tried to find the curator's rifle with the settings from my code above and indeed I did NOT find the rifle on any of the five spawn locations. 3rd of December 23