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Posts posted by Booch

  1. I'm looking for some metal to cut up in PV (living at the Framstead) and I take a little trip to the new Barn up by the road near Heartbreak Bridge.  To my surprise, I found a route to get up into the "attic" by going around one of the bales of hay and walking up a plank.  So I'm up there, super excited to see what's in this new area I have never explored and.......nothing. Zilch, squat, nada.  Crouched all the way around and searched the upper level.  Did anyone else find anything up there.  Seems like a serious missed opportunity if no one else found anything.

  2. Hello all. I am trying to do a completionist run (thanks COVID) and am having some difficulty finding the last Polaroid.  I know it is the one for Desolation Point (thanks Google) but I have been unsuccessful.  I have searched, and found, the list on the Fandom site listing all of the potential locations but I find some of the explanations a bit vague. For example, in PV, ther is a potential spawn point "In a backpack surrounded by the large rocks near the PV Homestead". There are not rocks near the PV FARMSTEAD. Only massive boulders and I have checked them all.  As well, I have checked the Riken 3 times, with a lantern going, and no Polaroid. Does anyone remember where they found the Polaroid for DP?  I would very much appreciate any help.  Cheers, eh!