Schrodingers Box

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Posts posted by Schrodingers Box

  1. LOng term survival in any difficulty even interloper is not even an issue. I have several characters with over 1000 days on interloper. 
      there is no Strategy to it. Once you have a base established in each region your food and resources just stockpile more and more beyond what you can ever use.   There is literally food and hides/guts almost everywhere and even if there wasn’t, at a level 5 bow skill you can easily create more and any time. I don’t even fish- I have enough bear and moose meat to last another 500 days even if I stopped hunting. 
      In the easy levels you don’t need to even worry about it but in Interloper one strategy is to stockpile raw meat and then use a Maglens to save matches and just binge-cook masses of food and water to optimize use of  matches. Even after 1000 days of interloper I have literally hundreds of matches still. also while not necessary, a final base in CH allows replenishment of some key resources by beachcombing but you should easily be able to go thousands of days before needed to beachcombing. 
      it’s short term- the first 30 days that is the challenge and requires strategies. 

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  2. Ummmmmmm no.  that’s the entire point of the whole game- making critical life-dependent decisions and preparing accordingly to support those decisions. that’s the entire premise of this game.

        If there is a risk of freezing while sleeping you either don’t sleep or you build a fire.  That’s the whole point  


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  3. 3 hours ago, ManicManiac said:

    You can effectively survive indefinitely in Ash Canyon as well.  All you need is some fishing line, and something to break the ice (ideally a heavy hammer since we can repair that).

    In addition to that:
    There are at least three rabbit runs that can think of just in the area around Climber's Cave and Pillar's Footrest.
    There is also a nice spot for deer and even a moose near Stone Shelf Cave.
    There is also a nice sport for deer right near Angler's Den.
    The birch forest between Stone Shelf Cave and Pillar's Footrest can produce a rather large quantity of Birch Bark.
    The Wolves can be picked off for food between Bitter Marsh and Angler's Den.  After clearing the path one can haul up fish from Bitter Marsh to Angler's Den and setup a really good stockpile.

    (As mentioned before, we do also have a bear, several ravaged deer carcasses laying about, and cattails - Lots of options)

    I think there are plenty of good ways to survive for as long as a person might want to here in Ash Canyon.

    that’s a lot of running around aimlessly and also don’t forget about cabin fever with no warm cave or crevice near the fishing. stupid place to retire in loper. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Serenity said:

    That's just pure nonsense. You can live for a long time on the cat tails alone. There is also a bear that will feed for a long time. That's weeks before you even need to think about sustainability - which, as said, is possible.

    read what I said. At the folly there is no renewable wood. no rabbits. Come on man. If you played loper you would know that because you have to plan ahead better than that, brah. 

  5. So you admit you are stalker level then and playing stalker with those settings. 
     good. You got it right. 
      man if I started with Matches and a bedroll my gameplay would be totally different lol. how nice that would be to just comfortably go right to the cave in AC from the first start- only HRV offers a better start than that!!!

  6.  you can quarter an animal in time segments to spread the job over time but when sawing a log you have to start all over again if you don’t finish at one time? what logic is that?

      also when a fire blows out a minute after you start it with 2 fir logs you can’t recover the unburned wood? 


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  7. that’s not an interloper type start- that’s a stalker type start. when you modify interloper settings to make the game easier ESPECIALLY starting with matches and a bedroll- it’s not interloper anymore, it’s a modified stalker.   It’s not even remotely close to interloper at all. 

  8. on interloper I can assure you AC is far harder than HRV for one reason- lack of wildlife. you can survive indefinitely in HRV. But in AC I had no moose spawn, and at climbers cave (the only warm cave) there are no animals whatsoever to subsist on. So the only large game is the bear but respawning firewood is limited in that area.   AC would be fine for long term living if you had more game to subsist on.  but for lopers it’s only value is the pack and crampons and then good riddance.  HRV could be argued only value is the combat pants and ear wrap but at least you can live there indefinitely pretty easily- except you have to occasionally jaunt to Milton for the workbench at the trailer. 

  9. If it helps, on long ranged shots it’s easier to use the white dot prior to drawing the bow to place your shots. Aiming the white dot above the target and then drawing and firing is easier.  where the arrow lands gives you an estimate where to adjust your white dot on the next aim. 

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  10. When I was a beginner yeah - I didn’t understand why I was getting no calories from a piece of meat. after figuring it out like 2 hours into playing, I can’t imagine there is a player on the planet who struggles with that anymore. You simply check your inventory and it tells you the weight of the meat. No need for any “improvements” here. 

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  11. the warming up mechanic is a dangerously slippery slope towards being OP. 
      need for the warmth bonus only applies really to interloper. on all the other levels warmth is not even remotely an issue because of the clothing being so ridiculously OP. 
      But if the warmth bonus was applied “realistically” in interloper- heating water and meat would give the bonus, not just coffee and teas and that would be way OP. 
       the warmth bonus is essential in early interloper and ATDS challenge and comes in handy when harvesting but if all you had to do was drop a fire, cut and cook just a pound of meat and get the warmth bonus while harvesting the rest of the animal that would almost eliminate challenge from the game. 

  12. yep you strictly have to practice. however once you master it, the bow is far and away the most effective weapon in the game. even if I played below interloper I would still use the bow over a rifle or pistol - in fact I wouldn’t even carry either of them. A bow and 8-10 arrows is all you ever need. 

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  13. the implementation is ridiculous honestly.  what do you do with the dog when you climb? Leave it at the base of your climb to freeze to death?  Return him to a shelter and start your trek back to the climb all over again?

       this is a survival game. You don’t bring pets along in survival. unless the dog is your sled dog or your backup food it’s a liability. survivalists eliminate liability.