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Everything posted by Zippytree79406

  1. At the moment, The Long Dark is a walking simulator. Frankly, it is long and boring. However if you add a van or a vehicle it would make transportation and movement MUCH easier. Obviously, you would have to use jerry cans to fuel it or you could siphon the cars in the area to get fuel. There can only be certain spawn locations, ie. the garage in Coastal highway or the barn near the farmhouse in Pleasant Valley, and you would need to have a vehicle in each region. The van or car could start on bricks with other parts missing (condition could me randomised) and you would have to scavenge parts from the cards and pickup trucks around Great Bear Island to restore it. Maybe, you could use the back of the van to store things and maybe to sleep in, like a mobile home. There could be a key in the same building as the vehicle and you would need it to start the car, or you could hot wire it (which could be a risk as you could electrocute yourself). The vehicle could break down if it runs out of fuel or a part breaks. And you would need to source parts and fuel to fix it. There could be buttons for windscreen wipers (during when it snows) or for headlights (helpful at night or during blizzards). If you damage the hull you would need a welder and scrap metal to fix it. Maybe if a tire goes flat, you would need to find a spare wheel. I believe implementing this feature would better the game and make it a fun experience.