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Posts posted by Megaloceros

  1. On 1/16/2020 at 9:45 AM, ormet said:

    Timberwolves or how  to ruin a perfectly good game in one update. No more recommendations to friends for this game.

    I really do not understand this. Timberwolves in Survival only appear in one region (and will like appear in the future in a similarly limited number of regions that are meant to be more challenging anyway). They appear in Wintermute but only serve to provide a challenge; if don't want to be challenged as much I fully recommend changing the difficultly level.
    I don't mean to talk down to anyone who hates Timberwolves. I admit I was frustrated trying to evade them in Episode 3 and died several times. I just feel like refusing to recommend TLD to friends due to their frankly limited presence is kind of silly.

    If you were not aware, they have since added a Custom difficulty creator, which allows you to remove TImberwolves and other dangers and adjust each variable of gameplay personally. I highly recommend using this if you really want to explore Bleak Inlet and really hate Timberwolves. I hope you make use of this excellent new feature!        Otherwise, just avoid the region and it is the same game it was before. 

    Timberwolves, frankly, act more like regular wolves than the previous in game wolves did (apart from the fact that in our pre-apocalyptic world wolves rarely act aggressively toward people). They are larger, hunt in packs, and socially interact. They also look amazing in-game. 

    I fully respect your disdain for Timberwolves, but to think so much less of the game because of them, as a significant minority of players do, seems rather ridiculous to me. 

  2. 5 hours ago, ajb1978 said:

    A friend of mine is a corrections officer in a medium-security state penitentiary.  They have procedures for these scenarios, including one where the power goes out and the generators fail.  Essentially everything goes into lockdown immediately--all inmates return to their cells.  And the thing about prison is it's not like TV or movies--the inmates aren't itching for a chance to rebel, because the majority of them just want to do their time and go home.  You will get a couple bad eggs, and when they go off the rails the prison staff throw them in segregation.  The other inmates just back off, because again they just want to do their time and go home.  Actual prison riots are extremely, stupidly rare.  People literally win the powerball jackpot more frequently than a prison riot happens.

    So a more realistic scenario would be the power goes out, the guards put everyone on lockdown long before anyone realizes "this is permanent and the power isn't ever coming back".  Then after a while food reserves start to run low, and most likely the actual battle would be infighting among the prison staff.  A faction that argues "Screw those inmates, they had their chance, let's keep the rest of the food for ourselves" and the faction that argues "they're still human and we're not going to stoop to their level, keep them fed."  While the prisoners are helpless in their cells.

    Thank you for this great information! I will say that in Wintermute, I believe (correct me if I'm wrong) Blackrock Prison is described as a maximum security prison for particularly dangerous criminals. In Wintermute, prisoners destined for Black Rock escape from their prison bus due to a rockslide and we know for a fact that they murder several people, which Mackenzie sees in his travels during the episodes. So the prisoners bound for this fictitious prison were particularly violent toward civilians, and I won't spoil the ending of episode 2 but I suspect you know it supports my point. It is thus reasonable to conclude that those in the prison could also be rearing for rebellion. 

    However, you make a great point; the prison, being maximum security, probably has extensive fail-safes in place. I could see it go either way. Maybe we'll arrive and meet a warden, or maybe Mackenzie will be brought there by you know who and find it overrun by prisoners. 
    Personally, I hope your prediction is correct; that is a very interesting scenario. 

  3. This is an interesting idea! I think what would work best is during sleep a short Dream segment has a chance of starting, in which you "wake up" somewhere on Great Bear with some sort of immediate danger. The Dream map could be an illogical mishmash of different regions you've been to (i.e the Riken right next to Mystery Lake) and you have to dispell the threat (wolf, bear?) or, as you said, wake up exhausted. However it would not have to be a nightmare; I think dreams of just landscapes or animals walking would be nice even as cut scenes instead of the screen fading to black while you slumber. Nightmares might only happen if you'd experienced trauma recently.

    My issue with the idea of Dreams in game is that players will be doing additional gameplay that would not contribute to survival in reality. In a survival situation, people might point out, the outcome of a dream won't affect your survival in real life, and thus it shouldn't in the long dark. But frankly not being able to sleep well is a real issue, and would likely occur to the player after so many harrowing experiences.